
Causes of vaginal bleeding

Do you have sudden or irregular vaginal bleeding? If this is accompanied by other unusual symptoms, inform your doctor immediately.

Vaginal bleeding is a symptom that needs your attention, especially since it can come from anywhere in the female genital tract. The reason for this includes anything from vigorous sexual intercourse to cancer which usually strikes postmenopausal women. Lei's examine them one by one.

If you're fond of rough romancing, the lips at the vaginal entrance may be injured and bleeding will occur. Naturally, if this is the first lime you've had sex and your hymen was broken, expect some bleeding too.

Masturbation can be tough on the vagina, especially if you use vibrators, bottles or other foreign objects. This can cause bleeding. Another reason is deep penetration which can bruise the cervix, the opening into the uterus. If you're using an IUD (intrauterine device) or are taking oral contraceptives, there may also be bleeding.

Pain and bleeding after intercourse and a persistent vaginal discharge may indicate uterine cancer but this is more likely to occur in women between 50 and 60. Cervical cancer has the same symptoms but it affects women aged 30 to 50.

Sometimes the reason for abnormal bleeding may not be that serious. It may signal the presence of a small polyp (growths that accompany vaginal or cervical infection), an ulcer, warts or varicose veins. Other possible causes are ovarian cysts, hypothyroidism. fibroid tumors or pelvic infection.

In helping your gynecologist establish the cause of abnormal vaginal bleeding, pay attention to other symptoms as well. These may offer clues as to the nature of your condition. Here are some points to consider from "Symptoms" by Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of the New York Hospital-Cornell Medical Center:

If you're an alcoholic or have severe liver disease, there's too much estrogen present in your body, which can cause vaginal bleeding.

Is your skin dry and rough? Are you tired and sleepy? If so, the abnormal bleeding may be due to under function of your thyroid gland.

Have you had a fever, one that comes and goes? As luck would have it, it won't be there when you finally get to the doctor. So tell him or her about it. Fever usually means infection.

If you've had little hemorrhages in your skin, or bleed a little too easily in other parts of your body, the problem may lie in a generalized clotting disorder of which the vaginal bleeding is only one manifestation.

"Whenever you wonder why you have abnormal vaginal bleeding, always remember that non-gynecological factors can be responsible, too -- mood thinners, drugs and disorders of coagulation, all of which render you vulnerable to abnormal bleeding not only from the vagina but from anywhere in the body," Rosenfeld said.

So before things get out of hand, see a gynecologist as soon as possible.

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About the Author
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine http://www.HealthLinesNews.com.

Top 4 Morning Sickness Myths (by Tracey Patterson)

Pregnancy is often a time when you are hit all sorts of information, some true, some old wives tales. Morning sickness is one of those areas that has it's share of partial truths. Here are four common myths you should know.

1. Be glad if you do have morning sickness. This means you are having a healthy pregnancy.

The myth goes that if you are not miserable and suffering from morning sickness, that something is wrong with your pregnancy. Not true. The reasons for morning sickness are still not completely understood, but it is thought to have something to do with hormone levels. The presence or lack of morning sickness does not indicate a good pregnancy and it is always important to have medical care during your pregnancy. One side fact however, medical professionals have found that morning sickness is associated with a lower rate of miscarriage.

2. The lack of morning sickness means you're having a boy [or a girl].

Again, there is no indication that morning sickness or even the presence of certain hormones means you are having a girl or a boy. There are only a few sure ways to know if you are having a girl or a boy including ultrasound or amniocentesis.

3. If I vomit a lot, it will hurt my baby.

If you throw up from morning sickness, you may feel this way. But this not the case. Your baby is completely safe, even if you throw up four times today. The contractions caused by vomiting cannot hurt your fetus because it is very well protected inside the uterus in the cushion of amniotic fluid.

4. With all the throwing up I'm doing, my baby is not to get the nutrients that she needs.

Mostly false as well, for the most part. If you are taking care of yourself during pregnancy, eating a balance diet and taking prenatal vitamins, you shouldn't have to worry. Even with some throwing up, your body will still be able to get enough nutrients from what you don't throw up to keep your baby healthy. As long as you can keep some fluids down, you and your baby will be OK. Just eat when you feel able.

Morning sickness can only become a problem for your baby if you can't keep any foods, can't keep fluids down and begin to lose weight. When morning sickness is severe it is called hyperemesis gravidarum. If it gets this bad, you must check with your doctor.

Morning sickness is unpleasant. I'm sure not too many (if any) women enjoy or appreciate it. But it is a common fact of pregnancy. Hopefully by you be feeling better by your second trimester. Indeed, 90% of pregnant women with morning sickness feel better by the 16th week. Concentrating on eating and drinking healthy will help you'll get through.

About the Author
Pregnant? Your first trimester is a unique time with unique issues. More information about morning sickness and other events in the beginning for you pregnancy at The First Trimester.


The Pros and Cons of In-Vitro Fertilization

What is In-Vitro Fertilization? In-vitro fertilization is a procedure that allows couples who cannot conceive normally to have a child. The woman's egg and man's sperm are taken out of the body and fertilized in a laboratory, then put back into a woman who can carry the pregnancy to term. Many moral and ethical concerns have been raised because of in-vitro fertilization. Those against the procedure say it is too much like playing God.

Many women, however, have successfully delivered healthy babies as a result of in-vitro fertilization. Only you can decide if this procedure is the right one for you. What are the Chances of Success with In-Vitro Fertilization? "The chance of successful pregnancy with in vitro fertilization is directly related to the age of the woman who provides the egg. Most in vitro fertilization programs divide up their success rates according to age.

For example, clinics will report pregnancy rates for women under and over the age of 35 years. There is certainly deterioration in the quality of eggs from the mid-thirties onwards. Some clinics divide up success rates further, and specifically report pregnancy rates for women between the ages of 35 and 37, 38 and 39, 39 to 42, and then over the age of 42.: - Victoriafertility web site, August 2006 In-vitro has enjoyed a good success rate. Some in-vitro procedures have been too effective, with women giving birth to twins, triplets, or even more babies at once. It's a good idea to try the process with three or fewer eggs, on the chance that all the eggs will become successfully fertilized and produce children. In-vitro is a viable option for women who cannot naturally conceive.

What are the Dangers of In-Vitro Fertilization? "One of the commonest serious side effects from using fertility drugs is a condition known as ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome (OHSS). Ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome becomes a risk in women who develop more than 20 follicles in response to the fertility drugs. In these circumstances the blood estrogen levels are often very high, and this combination causes OHSS." - Victoriafertility web site, August 2006 The most common danger of in-vitro is that it will not work. It is very disappointing and depressing for a couple who has tried many methods, only to fail again at in-vitro. There is nothing to suggest that in-vitro fertilization will make natural conception easier or harder for the woman in the future.

Medically, the procedure is fairly safe. There is some pain associated with the process of removing the woman's eggs, however, and there is a surgical procedure involved. If you are considering in-vitro fertilization, it's best to discuss your options with your doctor. In-vitro can be a rather invasive procedure. You'll want to know what your chances are of having a successful pregnancy using this method before you decide to go ahead with in-vitro.
The Pros and Cons of In-Vitro Fertilization Each woman has to make the decision regarding in-vitro for herself, with the support of her spouse.

Many couples face reproductive challenges, and it's a very common problem that is nothing to be ashamed of. Learn all about your own chances of success with in-vitro before you decide to go through with the procedure, which can be very costly and very invasive to a woman's body. How much you want to conceive will determine whether or not in-vitro fertilization is right for you.

About the Author
Tim Lawrence is a father of two and co-founder of Colic Calm, provider of the first homeopathic gripe water for relief of infant colic and gas. Colic Calm Gripe Water is also treats infants with reflux.

Troubled By Irregular Periods? Is Your Weight the Culprit?

Menstruation is a phenomenon that happens to all the women in the world.
Unfortunately, sometimes exceptions do occur. But probably there is not one woman in the world who has not gone through the problems of an irregular periodic cycle at some point of their life. The sorriest part of the whole affair is that the problems in the periodic cycles are often treated as mundane and common. Their incidences are so frequent and common that people have come to regard them as something very common and normal. But the truth is that these problems are not normal.

Some women face problems of painful and irritable periodic courses. These are the symptoms that are considered fateful by the people. But if there are problems in the coming of the periods or there is no gap at all between the periods of one month and the other, then it is a matter of concern. The results might not be that serious but then there is no other alternative other then going to a doctor.

Sometimes it also happens that even without visiting a doctor the irregular periods are solved. But still it is important to at least know the cause of irregular periodic cycles if there are any, so that one can avoid their occurrence in the future.

One of the primary causes behind irregular periodic cycles is hormonal imbalance. There are certain hormones that are responsible for the occurrence of menses in a woman. And one of the main reasons behind hormonal imbalance is excessive weight or drastic weight gain within a short period of time. Drastic weight gain within a short period of time is often responsible for unbalancing the hormones in a woman. As a result she starts experiencing difficulties and problems with her periods. There are examples when ladies complain of irregular periods or heavy bleeding for 2-3 weeks at a stretch. There are very fair chances that these conditions might be repercussions of excessive weight.

Monthly course in itself is very taxing on the woman. On top of it, if a woman also has to bear the stress and tensions of an irregular periodic cycle, it can be like the last straw. Therefore it is best if, as far as we can, we keep the causes that might be responsible for irregular periodic cycles at bay. Being over weight is one of the most prolific causes of problems in periods, hence all you female folks, please do keep an eye on your weight. Spare some time for yourself and work on your weight. If you are short of time but not of bucks, then you can adopt the concept of Xenical weight loss i.e. loosing weight with the help of weight loss medicines but keep in mind that these medicines are expensive and have side effects, so always refer a doctor before you buy xenical or consume the same. Drugs like Xenical online are prescribed drugs; hence it is mandatory that medical prescription is sought before you order xenical for your own good!

About the Author
James Petersen's expertise on the weight loss drug Xenical is well known and he has written a plethora of articles and pieces on obesity related issues. If you are keen on browsing through his work, visit the website xenicalsplendor.com

If You Think Female Hormones Are Trivial, You're Wrong!

Hormones play very important roles in the proper functioning of a woman's body. There are many types of female hormones, but the major ones are estrogen and progesterone. These two hormones are produced in the woman's ovaries.

Estrogen has been mainly referred to as the hormone that defines women. It is responsible for the growth of breasts in women. It also ensures that the female reproductive organs which include the uterus, fallopian tubes and the vagina will reach full development and readiness to perform their functions. Apart form these responsibilities, estrogen also makes sure that fat in a woman's body is primarily deposited on the thighs, hips and buttocks.

Progesterone, on the other hand, is mainly connected with the development of the female reproductive capacity. It is at work during the menstrual cycle. It also plays a big part during pregnancy, especially in the growth of the human embryo inside the mother's womb.

Together, estrogen and progesterone bring about all the important processes that happen inside the female body. The presence or amount of these hormones in a woman is what separates her from her male counterpart to begin with. The following are the three most important processes in a woman's life wherein the invisible hands of both estrogen and progesterone are largely at play.

At the onset of puberty, estrogen and progesterone start to play a more significant part in controlling the female body in a cycle known as menstruation. You see, each type of hormone has a predictable rise-and-fall pattern which gives rise to the menstrual cycle.

The events that take place inside the woman's body start off when a ripe egg is delivered from one of the ovaries into the fallopian tube and eventually into the woman's womb. If such egg remains unfertilized within a specific timeframe, estrogen and progesterone hormones secreted by the ovaries begin to decline. As this happens, the lining in the womb which is developed in preparation for pregnancy is cast off, culminating in menstrual bleeding.

If the egg released from the ovary becomes fertilized, important changes still happen to a woman's estrogen and progesterone levels. But this time around, instead of a decline in the amounts of these two hormones, a dramatic increase is seen.
A hormone known as the human chorionic gonadotrophin is developed in the growing placenta; this hormone triggers the production of increased amounts of estrogen and progesterone in the ovaries. It turns out, these two hormones are crucial during pregnancy; without these two hormones, bearing a child can not be sustained.

The last important process in women where estrogen and progesterone levels are having dramatic changes is menopause. This phase is characterized by the very last time that a woman will have her menstrual period. In reality, a few years before menopause occurs, a woman will already experience abnormalities in her monthly periods.

During menopause and even in the couple of years before it, the ovaries will experience deterioration. As this occurs, they will only be able to produce very little amounts of estrogen and progesterone. This signals that a woman is no longer capable of bearing a child in her womb.

Menopause is mainly brought about by age. Think of a woman's body like a big alarm clock, wherein a definite time is set which will bring about a stop to many of the functions and processes inside her body. When she reaches that definite time, known as menopause, countless problems can occur.

A woman's health can be at risk as menopause begins. The weakening of the heart and the bone structures are common menopausal syndromes. Vaginal dryness and uncomfortable indications like night sweating and hot flashes are also prevalent during menopause.

But the good thing is that now there are effective treatments that can help a woman cope with the problems of menopause. There are products like Zalestra which can help prevent complications and distress during this phase. Visit www.zalestra.com for more details.

About the Author
Sharon Bell is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premiere online news magazine http://www.healthnfitnesszone.com.

Infertility Drugs Can Help Overcome Infertility

There are infertility drugs that you and your partner and doctor can consider depending on what the problem might be. Here is the list of some of the infertility drugs that may help.

* Clomiphene (Clomid, Serophene) comes in tablet form and is available only with a physician's prescription. Human chorionic gonadotropin is given as an injection, only under a physician's supervision.

* Clomiphene citrate is used to increase the natural production of the hormones that stimulate ovulation in otherwise healthy women. When clomiphene is administered, the body produces higher levels of luteinizing hormone (LH), follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), and gonadotropins. These hormones induce ovulation.

* Human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) is sold under many brand names including Gonic, Pregnyl and Profasi. This hormone stimulates the gonads in both men and women. In men, hCG increases androgen production. In women, it increases the levels of progesterone. Human chorionic gonadotropin can help stimulate ovulation in women.

* Although some people believe that hCG can help lose weight, there is no evidence that this hormone offers any benefit in weight loss programs. It should not be used for this purpose.

* A number of other natural and synthetic hormones are used to induce ovulation. Urofollitropins (Fertinex) is a concentrated preparation of human hormones, while follitropin alfa (Gonal-F) and follitropin beta (Follistim) are human FSH preparations of recombinant DNA origin. Developments in this field are continuous. For example, in June 2004, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved a follitropin beta injection in individualized doses for women to self-inject.

* Menotropins (Pergonal, Humegon, Repronex) are given with human chorionic gonadotropin to stimulate ovulation in women and sperm production in men.
Recommended Dosage The dosage may be different for different patients. The physician who prescribed the drug or the pharmacist who filled the prescription will recommend the correct dosage. You need to follow these directions and not take any more or any less that what is recommended.

Clomiphene must be taken at certain times during the menstrual cycle and patients should follow directions exactly.

Note: Treatment with infertility drugs increases the chance of multiple births. Having intercourse at the proper time in the woman's menstrual cycle helps increase the chance of pregnancy. The physician may recommend using an ovulation prediction test kit to help determine the best times for intercourse.

People who have certain medical conditions or who are taking certain other medicines may have problems if they take infertility drugs. Before taking these drugs, patients should tell the physician about any of these conditions.

About the Author
You can also find more info on Male Infertility Test and Male Infertility. Infertilitytreatmentoptions.com is a comprehensive resource to know about Infertility.

PCOS Causes Symptoms, Irregular Periods and Female Infertility

There is an imbalance in a woman's body, which affects several hormone systems that may cause women to have a variety of symptoms of having an ovarian cyst. These symptoms also include of having a high level of androgens (a male hormone), missed or irregular period and many small cysts in the ovaries (which are abnormal, closed sac-like structures within a tissue that contain a liquid, gaseous or semisolid substance, they can occur anywhere in the body and can vary in shape).

Symptoms Other signs include acne, obesity, excessive hair growth, and unusual hair growth and distribution and skin discolorations. If PCOS is not treated it can progress to metabolic syndrome: high blood cholesterol, high blood pressure and diabetes. Other important signs include endocrine disturbances such as increase in insulin level, increase in PROLACTIN, increase in testosterone level, and increase in LUTEINIZING hormone that stimulates the ovary.

Any of the above symptoms and signs may be absent in PCOS, with the exception of irregular or no menstrual periods and all women with PCOS will have irregular or no menstrual periods. Women who have PCOS do not regularly ovulate, that means; they do not release an egg every month. This is why they do not have regular periods. It is a common cause for an ovulation and female infertility.

PCOS affects at least 20 % of all women of reproductive age, and it is more common in the ladies living in Middle East and Asian populations. However no one is definitely sure what causes PCOS. Although women with PCOS often have a mother or sister with the condition, so there seems to be a hereditary factor. In a study, 93% of girls who had PCOS reported that their mothers also suffered from this syndrome. Stress may also be an important contributing factor, sometimes that stress is biological, such as going through puberty.

Stress Arab girls who hit puberty tend to feel quite shy and they are mostly ashamed of the change that is happening in their body, and most of the time these girls try to hide any of their physical change even from their mothers. This issue also increases their risk of stress and anxiety and hence the chances of developing an ovarian cyst.

Sometimes stress is the result of a "high energy personality." The symptoms of PCOS seem to occur more often when there is also a diagnosis of bipolar disorder, anxiety, and/or depression. There may be fact that PCOS happens when the woman's body starts to have trouble keeping up with the demands of a stress response that never has the opportunity to turn off. The socio-environmental factor is also significant. " Most people in the Middle East tend to have a very unhealthy lifestyle especially when it comes to sleeping, most people stay awake all night and then sleep in the afternoon, however what people don't realize is that unhealthy sleep is one of the contributing factors to people who suffer from some of the PCOS symptoms.

PCOS is definitely a health problem for ladies that can affect a women's menstrual cycle hindering her ability to have children, plus it leads to the appearance of blood vessels and 60% of women suffering from this problem are obese. Most women with PCOS have troubles in their menstrual cycle mainly because ovulation does not occur and the hormone progesterone is not made, and without progesterone the menstrual cycle is irregular or absent. The small cysts make male hormones, which also prevent ovulation.

Diagnosis However the PCOS syndrome has many different presentations and no two women are alike. Yet two things do appear to be common in most cases and that is insulin resistance and there is some kind of stressor that pushes a woman's body into 'stress mode'

The diagnosis of PCOS is generally made on the basis of clinical signs and symptoms.


However the cysts in the ovaries can be identified with imaging technology such as picture of a typical POLYCYSTIC ovary. "There is no cure for PCOS, treatment goals are only based on the symptoms. For younger ladies who practice birth control, especially those with low "androgenic" (male hormone-like) side effects, birth control pills like Jasmine, can cause regular periods and prevent the risk of uterine cancer. For acne or excess hair growth, a water pill (diuretic) called SPIRONOLACTONE may be prescribed to help reverse these problems.

Other medications include Diane, anti-androgens, FINASTERIDE, VANIQA cream and laser hair removal. For women who desire pregnancy, a medication called CLOMIPHENE (CLOMID) can be used to induce ovulation (cause egg production). In addition, weight loss can normalize menstrual cycles and often increases the possibility of pregnancy in women with PCOS. Therefore modifying one's lifestyle can also help the situation. "The best diet to follow for those suffering from PCOS is a low carbohydrate diet. Emerging research is also pointing to the importance of Omega-3 fatty acids, which maintains mood and hormone function among PCO patients.

Risks and the best approach to handle PCOS or ovarian cysts

Women with PCOS are at a higher risk for a number of illnesses, including high blood pressure, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer of the uterus (ENDOMETRIAL cancer). Getting your symptoms under control at an earlier age can reverse much of the risks. It is also important to eat right and exercise, and to avoid smoking cigarettes. A regular test for diabetes can also help. Family support is also very important and everyone needs to know that PCOS is a common illness but is not the most serious illness however treatment of the symptoms at an early stage is a great help to all sufferers of PCOS.

This is why thousands of ladies are now looking for a holistic approach or natural treatment, combining lifestyle changes with scientific treatment to help cure their ovarian cyst. Holistic approach is the best treatment to completely eliminate the threat of having an ovarian cyst.

About the Author
For more facts of an Ovarian Cyst go to Holistic Approach link.

FREE Subscription to Newsletter on Ovarian Cyst

Blocked Fallopian Tubes

If you have blocked fallopian tubes, and you're seeking a way to conceive without resorting to drugs or surgery, please be aware that there is a way to open up the tubes naturally without going under the knife.

Most importantly, fertilization takes place in the fallopian tubes, and the fertilized egg must move from the tubes to the uterus for successful implantation and pregnancy.

Blocked fallopian tubes can go undiagnosed for years, and without a diagnosis and a cure, it would be impossible to have a baby. The most common test for blocked tubes is an HSG, in which dye is injected into the tubes. If the dye gets stuck, then this tells you there is a blockage somewhere in the tubes.

How are blocked fallopian tubes caused? Pelvic Inflammatory Disease is a prime cause of blocked tubes, and so is chlamydia. Often, women contract these conditions without even knowing it, as they can have mild symptoms which are easily mistaken for something else. These conditions can cause scarring, inflammation and adhesions, which result in infertility.

Fallopian tubes can be opened up by surgery, but since they are such tiny organs, and very delicate, they are prone to becoming scarred, and this can block them up again. Another common medical technique is IVF, which most people cannot afford, and can be very hard on the body, with a low chance of working.

There are very few natural remedies for opening up the fallopian tubes. The remedies I found include:

Felopio herbal tampon. This was an expensive herbal mixture that you insert into the vagina in the hope it will cure your blocked fallopian tubes. The ingredients are unknown, and it's difficult to tell how they work.

Clear Passage Therapies. This is a service provided by a company that involves being given an internal massage over a period of 1-2 weeks for several hours. The costs were very similar to IVF, but many women would feel unformfortable with a non-medical professional entering their hands into their bodies for hours.

Blocked Fallopian Tube Kit. This was slightly more expensive than Felopio, but includes a 7 step process consisting of herbal tampons and douche, supplements, body cleansing, massage, yoga, nutritional supplements, relaxation. It is a DIY approach and a full instruction book are provided.

Having reviewed the three options, I would suggest you avoid the Felopio herbal tampon, which in my opinion is very expensive for a bag of herbs, and go with either Clear Passage of the Kit. The last two options have more credibility than the first, and appear to be safer and more realistic.

Even though the makers of the kit have designed it to provide you with everything you need to unblock and conceive (including a well-written instruction book), those who have money to burn, or prefer to hand themselves over to an expert can spend $20,000 on a week of Clear Passage Therapies. If money is a concern to you, get the Blocked Fallopian Tubes Kit for a fraction of the price.

I hope you found this helpful. There are lots of free resources online for blocked fallopian tubes to help you get started in your journey to fertility.

About the Author
Lon Tyson writes regularly about health related topics. I hope you enjoy this article.

Ovulation Disorders Treatment

Ovulation disorders, infrequent or absent ovulation (anovulation), typically result in infrequent periods (oligomenorrhea). The results are

•fewer opportunities to conceive
•difficulty detecting a woman's fertile periods
•eggs not breaking through the follicle
•eggs being released off-sync with other factors crucial to fertilization or implantation

Sometypical causes of ovulation disorders include:

•hypothalamus dysfunction
•polycystic ovarian syndrome
•luteal phase defect
•tumors of the pituitary or adrenal glands or ovaries
Less typical causes of ovulation disorder are:

•Primary ovarian failure (POF)
•Resistant ovary syndrome
•Autoimmune oophoritis

In general, assessment for ovulation disorders may begin with the following lab tests:

•serum FSH
•serum LH
•serum prolactin
•serum testosterone
•free androgen index

and may also include:

•CAT scan or MRI scan of pituitary and hypothalamus
•endometrial biopsy
•ovarian biopsy
•more specific antibody tests (antithyroid, adrenal, islet-cell, gastric parietal cell)

Treatments vary with the conclusion after diagnostic testing. In general, the treatments may include:

•use of ovulation-inducing fertility medications
•use of other drugs more specific to the diagnosed cause
•nutritional adjustment
•stress reduction
•surgery (in the case of tumors)

Only primary ovarian failure, and the related conditions of resistant ovary syndrome and autoimmune oophoritis, are considered untreatable in regards to fertility.

Will Laparoscopy for Endometriosis Improve My Fertility?

Many women face infertility in their lives. Sometimes, the infertility is being caused by endometriosis. Endometriosis causes scar tissue, or adhesions, to grow and attach to your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the uterus. This can make it very difficult to become pregnant. If you are concerned about your fertility and you are seeing an infertility specialist, then laparoscopy may have been recommended to you.

Laparoscopy is used to diagnose and remove endometrial tissues that may be causing your problems. Endometriosis is a progressive condition, meaning that it can get worse and worse as time goes on. Symptoms can be mild to severe and can mimic other disorders. This is why it is very hard to diagnose without laparoscopy.

A laparoscopy procedure can help your infertility specialist actually see the endometriosis and have a definite visual confirmation that it is present. Many women with endometriosis experience painful periods, intercourse, and lower back pain. They may also have irregular and/or heavy periods. At first, these symptoms are consistent with normal menstruation and may not be considered abnormal. Over time, the symptoms can get a lot worse and alert you that something may be wrong. Infertility is the first sign of endometriosis for many women.

Your doctor will first perform a pelvic exam if endometriosis is suspected. This involves the doctor feeling and looking for abnormalities that could be caused by endometriosis. Enlarged ovaries, severe tenderness, nodules and an abnormal uterine location are things that you doctor will be looking for. The only way to know for sure that endometriosis is present, is to actually look inside of your abdominal cavity and inspect your reproductive organs. Your doctor can use a laser or surgically remove growths and lesions during a laparoscopic procedure.

Laparoscopic removal of endometriosis can greatly improve your chances of becoming pregnant. Even if your endometriosis is mild, it may cause infertility. In these mild cases, thorough removal of small implants of endometriosis via laparoscopy may help you become pregnant. If the endometriosis is a little more severe, then laparoscopy has been proven to greatly improve your chances of conception, assuming that no other major factors of infertility are at play. However, if your endometriosis is extremely severe or advanced, damage to your reproductive organs, such as your ovaries or fallopian tubes, can be extensive. In these cases, laparoscopy may not be very effective in restoring fertility. In severe cases, such as this, your doctor may give you other options for treatment, such as in vitro fertilization.

In any case, you need a skilled, experienced infertility specialist to help you tackle your infertility. Ask about pregnancy success rates, patient testimonials and experience when selecting your doctor. The doctor’s skill is critical when you’re trying to achieve fertility through laparoscopy for endometriosis. Ask a lot of questions and make sure that you are comfortable with the surgeons experience and success before you begin treatment.

About the Author
About the Author: Dr. Eric Daiter (Daiter, Eric), the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT.


What are menstrual cramps? What causes menstrual cramps?

What are menstrual cramps?
Menstrual cramps are pains in the abdominal (belly) and pelvic areas that are experienced by a woman as a result of her menstrual period. Menstrual cramps are not the same as the discomfort felt during premenstrual syndrome (PMS), although the symptoms of both disorders can sometimes be experienced as a continual process. Many women suffer from both PMS and menstrual cramps.

Menstrual cramps can range from mild to quite severe. Mild menstrual cramps may be barely noticeable and of short duration - sometimes felt just as a sense of light heaviness in the belly. Severe menstrual cramps can be so painful that they interfere with a woman's regular activities for several days.

What causes menstrual cramps?

Each month, the inner lining of the uterus (the endometrium) builds up in preparation for a possible pregnancy. After ovulation, if the egg is not fertilized by a sperm, no pregnancy will result and the current lining of the uterus is no longer needed. The woman's estrogen and progesterone hormone levels decline, and the lining of the uterus becomes swollen and dies. It is then shed and will be replaced by a new lining in the next monthly cycle.

When the old uterine lining begins to break down, molecular compounds called prostaglandins are released. These compounds cause the muscles of the uterus to contract. When the uterine muscles contract, they constrict the blood supply (vasoconstriction) to the endometrium. This contraction blocks the delivery of oxygen to the tissue of the endometrium which, in turn, breaks down and dies. After the death of this tissue, the uterine contractions literally squeeze the old endometrial tissue through the cervix and out of the body by way of the vagina. Other substances known as leukotrienes, which are chemicals that play a role in the inflammatory response, are also elevated at this time and may be related to the development of menstrual cramps.

Quantitative Analysis of Uterosacral Ligament Origin and Insertion Points by Magnetic Resonance Imaging

Wolfgang H. Umek, MD, Daniel M. Morgan, MD, James A. Ashton-Miller, PhD, and John O. L. DeLancey, MD

To estimate the percentage of healthy women in whom the uterosacral ligaments are identifiable on standard magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) scans and to determine origin points from the genital tract and insertion points on the pelvic sidewall.

Eighty-two asymptomatic women (mean ± standard deviation age 53 ± 12 years; mean parity 2.5, range 0–7) volunteered for this study. They were eligible if the most dependent vaginal wall point lay at least 1 cm above the hymenal ring remnant during a Valsalva maneuver. Axial proton density MRI of the entire pelvis was analyzed at 5-mm intervals. All results were referenced to the ischial spine. We determined the visibility of the uterosacral ligaments and located their origins from the genital tract and their insertion points on the pelvic sidewall.

Uterosacral ligaments were visible in 61 (87%) of 70 analyzable scans. They extended over a mean cranio-caudal distance of 21 ± 8 mm (range 10–50). Three regions of origin were found: cervix alone, cervix and vagina in the same section, and vagina alone. Thirty-three percent, 63%, and 4% of 254 identified origin points were from these three areas, respectively. Of 259 uterosacral insertion points, 82% overlaid the sacrospinous ligament/coccygeus muscle complex, 7% the sacrum, and 11% the piriformis muscle, the sciatic foramen, or the ischial spine. Although uterosacral ligament morphology was similar bilaterally, its cranio-caudal extent was greater on the right side.

In healthy women, the uterosacral ligament origin and insertion points exhibited greater anatomic variation than their name would imply.

Pelvic organ prolapse is a distressing problem for which 6% of all women in America have surgery.1 It is caused by structural defects in the connective tissue and the muscles that support the pelvic viscera.2,3 The uterosacral ligaments have long been regarded as a part of this support system for the pelvic organs.4 Nichols,5 in his book on vaginal surgery, expressed the widely held opinion that the uterosacral ligaments, together with the cardinal ligament, hold the upper vagina and cervix over the levator plate.

The uterosacral ligaments have been studied both in cadavers and at surgery.5–9 However, the borders of the ligament are difficult to establish on dissection, and the removal of the ligament is somewhat arbitrary. As a result, both origin and insertion of the ligament are difficult to define. We are not aware of any studies documenting the visibility and the extent of the uterosacral ligaments in living women.

Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), a noninvasive technique that allows excellent soft tissue resolution in the living, can depict the endopelvic fascia, the uterosacral ligaments, and related structures with little distortion.10–13 The scientific study of these tissues depends on the ability to define the visibility and appearance of the uterosacral ligaments in healthy women without pelvic floor impairments. These attributes may then be compared with those in women with pelvic floor dysfunction.

The purpose of this study, therefore, was to estimate the percentage of healthy women in whom the uterosacral ligaments can be identified on standard MRI scans and to determine where the ligaments originate from the genital tract and where they insert on the pelvic sidewall.

The authors acknowledge support by the National Institutes of Health grant NIH R01 HD 3866502 and the Austrian Schroedinger-Auslandsstipendium J-2181 (W.H.U.).

How to Cure Menstruation Blood Loss Fears

Step 1:
Relax. Changes in blood flow are common. One cycle of heavy blood flow isn't likely to indicate a serious problem, and stress can only make you feel worse. Wait and see if the pattern continues next month.

Step 2:
Make an appointment with your gynecologist. You should be seeing a gynecologist annually as soon as you begin experiencing regular periods. Most of the time a routine checkup will let you know if your blood flow is normal or excessive.

Step 3:
Request specific tests if you're still concerned. You can request a measurement of menstrual loss from a sanitary napkin (as unpleasant as this may seem), request a menstrual seal such as Gynaeseal to collect blood, ask for an ultrasound or even test for anemia. If the tests indicate your blood flow, uterus, and blood count is normal, you can relax. If your doctor does detect a problem, you'll be glad you caught it early.

Step 4:
Get a second opinion. If you still have doubts after all the tests are in, consult another gynecologist or physician.

Tips & Warnings

Purchase health insurance if you don't already have it. Just knowing that you have financial assistance in case you need medical attention for blood loss or any reproductive health issues can reduce your fears.

How to Cure Menstruation Blood Loss Fears Provided by eHow.com

Breast Augmentation Surgery - A useful Overview

Breast augmentation surgery can succeed in raising your self-esteem and even go as far as to change your personality, by providing you the body you have always craved. It takes as little as an hour to perform most routine breast enlargements. The procedure can be completed under a general anaesthetic and the incisions made to insert the implants only leave tiny scars that soon fade to being hardly visible.

You will have a list of questions to ask your surgeon. Your first consultation will be the most important as you need to feel comfortable with your choice of surgeon and free to ask any questions you want. Be clear on why you want to have breast augmentation surgery and the look you are hoping to get. They will ask you about preferred cup size and shape, don't worry if you are not sure about this as your surgeon will have years of experience and be able to assist you.

There are different types of implants and the one to suit you will be decided between you and the surgeon. They can advice you on the pros and cons of each and the price range, enabling you to make an informed decision. Breast enlargement is a relatively safe procedure but in very rare cases things can go wrong. Make yourself aware of the risks before making the decision to proceed.

The shape and volume of the breast will also have to be discussed. If you have an idea of what you want already let your surgeon know. Be realistic about the size you want, if you have a small frame and are seeking large sized breasts, think if it will be in proportion to the rest of your body. The space between the breasts can also be altered to give a more enhanced look.

Everyone wants their breasts to look as natural as they can. If they are extra large they won't particularly achieve this. It is not only the width of your breasts that is important but also the height and how far they project. You don't want breasts that are obviously false and everyone to know it.

Your skin around the area where the implant is to be inserted has to have some elasticity to it. Some surgeons might refuse to do the procedure if they feel you are too thin and don't have enough skin here to stretch itself around the implant. This can also limit the size of the implant you are able to have fitted. If the skin has limited elasticity to it, once the implant is inserted it can look and feel false. This is totally the reverse of the effect you want to create. Existing breast tissue also needs to be determined in order to ascertain by how much the breasts can be increased.

Once the surgery has been performed and you are back at home, it is crucial you rest and relax. Patients are told not to drive or do anything too physical, including lifting and carrying. If you have young children you will have to explain to them they will have to be very careful around you for at least the first few weeks.

It is necessary to wear a special support bra for the first month. This will help to provide your new breasts with the maximum support needed and keep them fairly tight together so as to minimize the pain. It also assists in reducing the swelling.

If you are planning on getting pregnant, you can breast feed even after a breast enlargement. The implants should last you a lifetime, however it is advisable to have them checked out every eight years or so.

Some people are frightened to undergo the surgery of a a href="http://www.ucompare-cosmeticsurgery.co.uk/">breast implant. This is due to not only the thought of the pain incurred, but also certain horror stories regarding the implants bursting. Implants used these days are made from cohesive gel, which is a high quality material and rupture proof.

If you are considering having breast augmentation surgery, do your research properly. Once you know all the facts and information you will see it is a procedure that is extremely safe and common.

About the Author
James Sanderson works on the editorial team for Ucompare Global Limited which has many years of experience of cosmetic surgery. The website offers information about various cosmetic surgery procedures including breast augmentation.

Silicone Breast Implants: 5 Things You Need To Know

Copyright (c) 2008 Ned James
Silicone breast implants have become the implant of choice for many women in the United States. After the controversy raising health concerns about silicone breast implants in the 80's, the FDA banned them in 1992. Over a 14 year period silicone was only used in implants for purposes of breast reconstruction and in clinical trials. The result of the trials and improvements in the construction of the silicone implant prompted the FDA to approve them once again in 1992.

Many women prefer the silicone implant because it tends to look and feel more natural. As you consider your implant options, the following list will help guide you to discover the information you need to know:

Top 5 List of things to know about Silicone Breast Implants:

1) Rupture. The silicone implant is less likely to rupture compared to the popular saline implant due to its thick outer shell. Technological improvements in the structure of the implant have made a more durable implant. Additionally, with the cohesive gel silicone implant, popularly known as gummy bears, the silicone actually holds together upon its unlikely rupture.

2) Incisions. There are three typical incision methods with this type of implant. Women can choose to have the implant inserted through the armpit, under the breast fold or through the nipple. The limitation with silicone implants is that it cannot be inserted through the belly button (known as TUBA). And finally, the silicone implant requires an incision which is likely to leave a larger scar.

3) Natural look and feel. Perhaps the biggest benefit to this type of implant is that it will tend to look and feel more natural than saline. You not likely to have the rippling effect which can occur with the saline implant.

4) Expense. One important factor, of course, is cost. If you are interested in silicone you are likely to spend about one thousand dollars more due to the cost of the implant.

5) Implant Size. Silicone implants are available in a wide variety of sizes. Whether you are interested in a C cup, D cup, DD cup or larger, there is a silicone breast implant to fit you.

You should have a thorough discussion with your doctor regarding an appropriate implant size. The most common reason women go back for second or third surgeries is simply to change the size of their implant. With all the same costs and risks involved in second surgeries, please take your time to thoroughly investigate this decision.

I recommend the use of implant sizers to help you choose your size. While it is important to see before and after photos on the internet, nothing can replace the value of actual experience on your own body of various implant sizes. The best way is to actually live with the sizer over a period of at least two weeks. Try on different sizes until you feel comfortable that you have arrived at a size that works well for you and your body.

Silicone breast implants are an increasingly popular option in breast augmentation surgery. There are benefits to all implant types, but silicone should be given careful consideration. Make an informed decision about your breast implant type and size by wearing breast sizers and having a thorough discussion with your doctor.

About the Author
Choose your breast implant size wisely. Wear the Purlz Breast Sizing System available through http://www.LwGatz.com. Visit http://www.breastauginfo.com for more information about silicone breast implants and other breast augmentation information.


Breast Implant Massage After Surgery

After going through the lengthy process of deciding to have a breast augmentation surgery and then having the surgery itself, the last thing you want to have to deal with is the potential for an additional surgery resulting from scarring.

Capsule contracture is the development of a foreign body scar. Often this type of scar will form when any foreign body is inserted into the body, and the body will try to isolate the foreign body as best it can with the scarring. This can, in breast implants, result in hard breasts and is best avoided.
The best way to avoid such a situation includes the following steps.

1 - First, ask your surgeon about his or her approaches during surgery to reduce possible infections. Are there particular approaches that he or she uses with regard to cutting through tissues? Cutting through certain breast tissue can solicit bacterial contamination, and so it is important to query your doctor as to their particular method of surgical procedure.

2 - The second thing to do is to abstain from smoking at least a few weeks prior to surgery. The reason for this is to eliminate any possibility that the body will not be able to deliver oxygen and blood to the parts of the body that are trying to heal. Wounds take longer to heal when they cannot get enough oxygen or blood.

2 - If you are having the trans-axillary surgery (going through the armpit), do not shave your armpits for ten days prior to surgery. This prevents any ingrown hairs getting into the incision area or any other surgical area.

3 - This step is not really in your control; immediately before surgery your body will be prepared with a strong anti-bacterial preparatory to avoid any bacterial contamination.

4 - Finally, and most importantly, following surgery, a vigorous repeated massage of the implants will keep the pocket holding the implant wide open, and prevent the scarring. Additionally, it will keep them from getting hard, and will also keep them looking very natural.

It takes only a few minutes per day to prevent what would be a repeat procedure, and undoubted discomfort and pain.

The technique of the massage is a method unique to breast implant surgery, and following surgery must be done every two to three hours for a few days, then two to three times per day.

At three weeks post-operation through the rest of the patient's life, the massage should be performed once per day.

The breast should be squeezed from the bottom, enough to move completely the implant up as high as it can go, completely displacing the implant from the location where it was located, into the pocket above the breast. This method helps to prevent any scarring from forming.

Following these simple yet important steps will ensure that your breast augmentation will not only be successful from an aesthetic standpoint but will also make sure that you avoid the complication of scarring around the breast implant.

About the Author
For women in Baltimore, breast enhancement is a great way to improve the overall appearance and self-image. At Cosmetic Surgery Center of Maryland, they specialize in the "anatomical implant" used to produce a more natural looking breast.

Breast Implant Augmentation: Capsular Contracture Of The Breast Implant

Capsular Contracture - What Is It?
Capsular Contracture is the most common breast augmentation complication. It is scar tissue from the breast implant surgery forming and hardening around the implant. This causes the implant to tighten as it is squeezed by the scar tissue. It is an unpredictable complication and causes the breasts to harden.

Preventing Capsular Contracture
Use Textured Implants. Textured implants help to minimise the risk of contracture as their surface deters a hard capsule from forming.

Under The Muscle Implants. Placing the implant underneath the muscle reduces the risk.

Massage. This should be done only on smooth implants, and by a qualified professional, who will refuse to massage bruised areas.

Minimal Touch Surgery. If a foreign substance attaches itself to the implant, this can inflame tissue and cause capsular contracture. This meticulous method puts additional measures in place to minimise the chances of this happening. It involves only one surgeon ever touching the implant, and careful re-washing of surgical gloves and tools during the operation.

Vitamin E. Not to be taken two weeks before and after your operation, as it can cause bleeding; but it is said to help fight the risk of capsular contracture.
Capsular Contracture Treatment
Antibiotics. Some surgeons simply prescribe antibiotics to treat Capsular Contracture.
Zafirlukast. This is a relatively new drug usually used to treat asthma, but has been shown to reduce the incidence of early capsules.

Capsulectomy. This is removal of the capsule around the breast implant. A partial capsulectomy involves making an incision in the capsule just to release the scar formation. This is more likely to result in the problem returning than removing the entire capsule with the implant.

Experiencing Capsular Contracture is very distressing. It is a complication of breast augmentation surgery that you must research before deciding to have the operation. Ask your surgeon about it, and the statistics relating to his own patients. For more information, visit this link.

About the Author
Polly Summer maintains an information site about improving the look of breasts. For information on breast augmentation, breast reduction and other breast improvement issues, visit http://www.breastimprovement.org

Breast Augmentation: The Pros and Cons

You vividly remember your teenage years, although you would much rather forget. If you weren't obsessing about your zits, you were trying to stuff your bra with toilet paper to give your "fried eggs" more shape. Unfortunately, here you are, past puberty, and you're still an A cup.

So, lately you've been thinking about getting breast augmentation. You'd really like to go bigger, but not too much bigger - a C cup would be more than enough for you. The problem is whether or not you're ready to undergo the breast augmentation procedure.

First of all, you don't know if you can get the time off from work to get the breast augmentation. You've been told that the procedure requires a couple of weeks of recuperation time. You've tallied up all of your available days that you can take off, and so far it's up to a week and a half.

Then, there's the issue of having enough money to pay for the procedure. Since breast augmentation is considered a cosmetic procedure, your health insurance won't pay for it. So, you've decided to work overtime, in the hopes that you'll earn extra days off, as well as the extra money you need.

The next thing you need to do is find the right doctor. Even if you aren't too sure if you can have the procedure done, it's important to find a doctor. The doctor that you choose needs to be certified, as well as a specialist in this kind of surgery. The doctor's portfolio should also be readily available.

Another thing you need to be aware of is the overall process. Once you are ready to have the procedure done, you will need to schedule a consultation with your chosen doctor. During the consultation, the doctor will ask you lots of questions about your previous medical history. The doctor will also take a series of photographs for your medical file.

The procedure itself will take a couple of hours, during which time you will be sedated. There are two main ways that your breasts can be enhanced. First, excess fat from other parts of your body can be transplanted into your breasts. The upside to this is that it will provide your breasts with a more natural look. The downside is that, ironically, if you don't have enough body fat this kind of procedure cannot be done.

The other option is to have breast implants. The implants themselves are made out of silicone, and are implanted behind your mammary glands. The upside to this procedure is that it is long-lasting, and it gives your breasts a fully and perky look. The downside is that if you plan on having children, it is suggested that you not breast feed them.

So, what are the overall risks to this kind of procedure? Well, first of all, swelling and redness will occur within the first few days after the procedure. Also, if you have implants, there is a chance that they can rupture and leak, in which case they would have to be removed and replaced.

About the Author
More information on breast augmentation, male breast reduction and a Houston plastic surgeon of Texas in your area is just a click away.

Breast Enhancement to Make Your Dream Comes True

Since the ancient age it's been watched that women are curious about their beauty in a wide way. They always want to look fresh and sexy in all the ways. In order to develop their alluring look they even don't bother to try several methods that are available and accessible to them. But sometimes due to less awareness about the products or procedures they tend to fail in their attempt.

In today's world a women whether she is working in a corporate sector or a housewife, needs to maintain her physique. Gradually it has become the basic necessity for a woman that can offer them a good platform to stand among others. One beautiful woman with good look can be detected in a mass. On the other hand it can offer you good set up of mind to develop your personality.

Breast is the common element present on a woman's body that can drag more response on her account. This is the reason why now women seem to be more curious in the breast enhancement procedures. Basically the women that are involved in corporate world or in the modeling segment, going for various breast enhancement procedures. This is what their profession demand!

Taking breast pills by the consultation of your physician can do breast enhancement. You can also go for surgery to fulfill your need. With the growing demand for large breast, experts are working hard to develop new technology and medicines, so that ladies can now make their dream comes true.

These days it's not mean that a woman with only good looks can drag anyone attention. Rather if the same woman has got good breasts then she can drag more attention and can develop her personality to a whole new range. Before going for any breast enhancement procedures don't forget to consult your physician, so that the whole work can be done under a perfect supervision.

About the Author
Breast Enhancement for more details visit : http://www.profemme.com/

Modern Breast Enhancement Surgery!

With advancement in science and technology, many new methods of breast enhancement have come up. There are various new ways of conducting the surgery in a safe and sound way. Most of the women are constantly looking for means to enhance the size of their breasts. The modern breast enhancement surgery has made it possible for everyone to utilize the latest techniques of breast enlargement.
Breast enlargement surgery is not a simple process. It involves some complexities. Some women suffer from side effects too. However, it may not be necessarily the case with everyone. The surgery involves a long period and may take much longer for complete recovery. The number of infections is also quite common.

Many women are afraid of the complexities involved in the surgery. In some cases, after the surgery, the breasts can shift or leak, causing all kinds of problems. Such cases may require another surgery to fix the issue. At times, there can be the hardening of the scar tissue which can change the fell or placement of one or even both breasts. Some may suffer from loss of feeling within one or both of the breasts. You must consider all your options before going in for the surgery.

You can also consult breast surgeon specialist who can advise you on the safest way to have the surgery done Opt for safe breast enlargement. If you don't wish to undergo surgery, you can also go for a natural method of surgery. There are many non-invasive breast enhancement products which can help you get the desired results.

You can even use breast enlargement pills, cream to enhance the size of the breasts. These natural breast enhancement supplements can help you achieve the desired results. These products are safe and inexpensive unlike surgery. They can do wonders to your self esteem.

As these products are natural; you need not worry about any side effects. You can opt for them to get a more natural look the safe way. These non surgical breast enlargement methods have helped many people in the past.

You no more have to pay hefty amount of money and go through painful surgery to have larger, firmer breasts. You can also choose form various products available in the market which will give you the desired results.

About the Author
For more information visit: Cheap Breast Enhancement Surgery.

Breast Lift Surgery: Do You Desire Shapely Breasts?

Time changes everything, including the size and shape of breasts. Over time, your breasts can sag and lose elasticity. Other factors contribute to the process as well. These include gravity, weight fluctuations, pregnancy and breastfeeding, and especially your genetics. If you would like to regain a chest more reminiscent of your youth, you may want to consider breast lift surgery.

Breast lift surgery, technically known as mastopexy, is the process of removing excess skin from the breasts to raise them up, shrink the areola if necessary, and produce younger, firmer looking breasts. This can be a great solution for those who have sagging, flatter, or drooping breasts. It can also be helpful to those whose nipples point downward or whose areolas have been stretched out over time. The basic requirements for the surgery only include being physically healthy, being a nonsmoker, keeping a steady weight, and having realistic expectations about the results.

A mastopexy takes place in a hospital, a surgical center, or an outpatient facility. Your surgeon will give you either general anesthesia or intravenous sedation in preparation for the procedure. Then depending on the size and shape of your bust, the surgeon will make one of three different types of incisions. The first type is an incision around the circumference of the areola, the second type goes around the areola and downward to the breast crease, and the third cut is around the areola, downward and then across the bust crease horizontally. After the incision, the surgeon will lift up the sagging skin and trim off the excess. Sutures will be placed within the breast tissue to reshape and hold up the breasts. The doctor will also reposition the areola and nipple and reduce the areola size if necessary. Finally the incision is sown back together.

Recovery after breast lift surgery includes wearing a soft support bra over gauze wrappings for several weeks. You will keep the bra on at all time to aid recovery, but can remove and replace the gauze as necessary. Your surgeon may also put in small drainage tubes to let extra fluids flow out for a few days post-surgery. These will be removed within a week. After several weeks the bruising and swelling associated with the healing process will subside and you will be able to fully see the results of your procedure.

Breast lift surgery helps you to get rid of sagging but it does not necessarily create perfectly shaped breasts and does not restore roundness to the top. If this is your desire, your surgeon may recommend having breast implants placed during the same time. There are many different breast augmentation size choices, offering you plenty of options in getting the right look. If you have trouble deciding what size implants to get, talk with your plastic surgeon. He or she may have special implant sizing balls that can help you determine the right implant sizes to match up with your breast lift.

As with any surgery, there are risks associated with a breast lift. You may experience extra bleeding, infection, or unsightly scarring. You may also have either temporary or permanent loss of nipple and bust sensation. Fortunately, the risks of these and other complications are low. Plus the surgery is performed in such a way that there will typically be no interference with pregnancy and breastfeeding.

About the Author
Every women desires shapely breasts but pregnancy and other factors may make them droop or sag. Boston plastic surgeon offers breast lift surgery for women to get back their firmer and younger looking breasts. Visit them at http://www.drmossthebeautyboss.com to discuss your needs.

Breast Reduction Surgery - Pros and Cons

There are two types of implants used in breast reduction surgery today--silicone gel implants and saline implants. Saline implants were used extensively in the 1990's after silicone implants were banned by the FDA. A couple of years ago, the ban was lifted on silicone implants. Given their respective histories, is there a difference between silicone and saline implants health problems?

After years of multiple lawsuits and conflicting safety data, many women are still confused about the health risks associated with silicon implants. The FDA suggests that no conclusions can be drawn for another 10-20 years. Nevertheless, in the absence of definitive proof, the FDA has lifted its ban for now.

Silicone gel has thick fluid consistency that makes the implants look and feel more natural. Saline, on the other hand, isn't as squeezable and looks and feels firmer. But since the saline isn't injected until after the shell has been inserted, there's less visible scarring.

But what about saline implants health problems? According to Wikipeida, "saline implants are more likely to cause cosmetic problems such as rippling, wrinkling, and to be noticeable to the eye or the touch." Also, when saline breast implants rupture, they frequently deflate rapidly.

There are potential drawbacks to both kinds of breast reduction surgery however. Besides the cost and pain, you should consider that:

--Breast implants eventually fail at some point and have to be replaced. --Any surgical procedure done on breasts can harm nerves and reduce feeling and sensation. --Scars last forever and can be very obvious for months after the surgery. --Surgery makes it extremely difficult for your breasts to ever produce milk for breast feeding. --Implants can break, harden, get infected, produce a rippling effect, change form, and move around. --Breast implants may interfere with breast cancer screening. --You must choose a doctor very carefully. Anyone with a medical degree can take a course and start performing breast surgery.

Given the cost and potential dangers of breast reduction surgery, many women have been trying natural alternatives for enhancing the size, look, and feel of their breasts. Natural breast enlargement programs often consist of an herbal supplement you take orally, and an herbal cream you massage onto your breasts.

The herbal ingredients basically encourage the production of human growth hormone. This tells the glands to create new breast tissue. It's often been described as a "second puberty." The effects are not immediate--it takes about six months, although bodies react differently. However, natural breast enhancement is generally considered to be safe with no side effects.

If you're concerned about the risks involved in breast reduction surgery, you'll want to look into natural breast enlargement programs. Since the quality of the herbal ingredients is paramount, I recommend trying one with rigorous testing standards and a history of success.

About the Author
To find out more about the top-rated natural breast enhancement programs, please visit Breast Actives. You can also learn about herbs for breast growth at Breast Actives.


Ways to Enhance Breast Size Naturally

Cosmetic surgery to enhance breast size is a common procedure now. Big breasted women are always regarded as sexy and the fantasy of most men, that is why more and more women are considering breast enhancement treatment. Although breast implant is a common surgery now, some women are still interested to increase breast size naturally.

A woman may feel insecure and depressed with a small bust. A bigger breast size improves the physical appearance of every woman. However, even with the popularity of breast enhancement surgery now, most women are still afraid to go under the knife due to the potential side effects, complications and of course due to the high cost of surgery.

For some women, small breast size is not a problem and there are also men who find women with small bosom sexy. But there are women who are not satisfied with their bust size and looking for ways on how to increase breast size naturally. Of course, before taking the steps to increase your breast size naturally, you have to talk to your doctor to know the possible risks and to know your current health condition.
Exercise is the most common and inexpensive way to increase breast size naturally. There are exercises designed to enhance breast size. It is better to work with a trainer or consult experts to help you with the right exercises to prevent injury.
Another way to increase breast size naturally is through breast enhancement pills and creams.

The pills usually contain herbal ingredients like fenugreek seed, fennel seed, dong quai root etc. Breast enhancement creams on the other hand usually contain natural ingredients like purified water, almond oil, avocado oil, wild yam extract, chamomile extract, red clover extract, grapefruit seed extract, fenugreek extract, aloe vera extract, etc. These natural ingredients stimulate growth of mammary tissues.

Herbal treatments combined with exercises are safe options compared to breast surgery. Women can increase breast size naturally without the need of implants or risky surgery. To increase breast size naturally visit Breast Actives.

To know more about natural breast enlargement programs visit Breast Enlargement Program.

To know more about health and beauty remedies visit Great Discovery-Health and Beauty

About the Author
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Ways to Increase Breast Size Naturally. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

Breast Surgery Complications

Breast Surgery Complications

First and foremost there could be an allergic reaction to the anesthetic. General is considered to be more risky yet any anesthetic could bring on a negative reaction. Although extremely rare, it is possible to bleed post-operatively resulting in another surgery to control and drain the collected blood. Another possibility is hematoma (a collection of clotted blood), seroma (a collection of the watery portion of the blood) and thrombosis (abnormal clotting).

Loss of sensitivity is common, although temporary. Permanent sensation loss in the areola (nipple) area or breasts, in general, can and may happen. There is also a risk of excessive scarring or inner scar tissue. Also, you must have more views (films) taken when having a mammogram if you have breast implants -- especially overs.

There is also a risk of calcifications -- especially when there is a definite, thick capsule around the implant. And galactorrhea, which is when you start producing breast milk, is also a complication. This is usually remedied on its own and may stop spontaneously although some cases may need medication or implant removal. Although very rare, it is worth mentioning, full disclosure is the key to an informed consent.

Breast tissue atrophy (loss, shrinking) is a possibility. According to the FDA, "the pressure of the breast implant may cause the breast tissue to thin and shrink. This can occur while implants are still in place or following implant removal without replacement".

Necrosis (death) of the breast tissue, breast envelope and or incision line can happen. Although extremely rare. The chances of necrosis are increased after radioactive/chemotherapy treatment, if you smoke and have poor circulation, or have temperatetherapy or cryotherapy post-operatively.

Extrusion is also an extremely rare occurrence but a scary possibility. Extrusion of the implant is where your body rejects the prosthesis and pushes it out of the skin, like when a piercing is pushed out or like when a thorn or splinter is pushed from the body. Then the implant may become visible under the skin and must be removed before it breaks through resulting in possibly an infection and definite major scarring.

Infection: You could develop a post-operative infection and need to have the implant removed, the infection dealt with and still have to wait for several months before an additional surgery can be performed to re-implant. Infections usually occur with the first 4 to 6 weeks. Some possible infections and a more common one being Staphylococcus, or simply Staph.

For more information visit: http://www.breastactives.com/?aid=361447

About the Author
Author is an Engineer , promotes latest products online.

Breast Milk And How It Is Made (by Jody Siena)

If you've every been pregnant or if you are pregnant now, you've probably noticed a metamorphisis in your bra cups. The physical changes (tender, swollen breasts) may be one of the earliest clues that you have conceived. Many experts believe that the color change in the areola may also be helpful when it comes to breast feeding.
What's going on.

Perhaps what's even more remarkable than visible changes is the extensive changes that are taking place inside of your breasts. The developing placenta stimulates the release of estrogen and progesterone, which will in turn stimulate the complex biological system that helps to make lactation possible.

Before you get pregnant, a combination of supportive tissue, milk glands, and fat make up the larger portions of your breats. The fact is, your newly swollen breasts have been preparing for your pregnancy since you were in your mother's womb! When you were born, your main milk ducts had already formed. Your mammary glands stayed quiet until you reached puberty, when a flood of the female hormone estrogen caused them to grow and also to swell. During pregnancy, those glands will kick into high gear.

Before your baby arrives, glandular tissue has replaced a majority of the fat cells and accounts for your bigger than before breasts. Each breast may actually get as much as 1 1/2 pounds heavier than before!

Nestled among the fatty cells and glandular tissue is an intricate network of channels or canals known as the milk ducts. The pregnancy hormones will cause these ducts to increase in both number and size, with the ducts branching off into smaller canals near the chest wall known as ductules. At the end of each duct is a cluster of smaller sacs known as alveoli. The cluster of alveoli is known as a lobule, while a cluster of lobule is known as a lobe. Each breast will contain around 15 - 20 lobes, with one milk duct for every lobe. The milk is produced inside of the alveoli, which is surrounded by tiny muscles that squeeze the glands and help to push the milk out into the ductules. Those ductules will lead to a bigger duct that widens into a milk pool directly below the areola.

The milk pools will act as resevoirs that hold the milk until your baby sucks it through the tiny openings in your nipples.

Mother Nature is so smart that your milk duct system will become fully developed around the time of your second trimester, so you can properly breast feed your baby even if he or she arrives earlier than you are anticipating.

About the Author
Learn about causes of breast cancer and breast cancer stages at the Breast Cancer Prognosis site.

Breast Enhancement Surgery Truth - Learn the Pros and Cons of Breast Enhancement Surgery

When I think of surgery I think of a heart bypass or something of that nature. Something that is a life or death situation. I've never thought of breast enhancement surgery as something I would ever feel comfortable with. Maybe it's because I'm scared of needles or maybe it has something to do with worrying about never waking up once it's all over. I'd say that it's a mix of the two. But really, when one decides that they need to have a surgery they should look into the possibility that there are other ways to receive the same results.

Breast enhancement surgery is something that has grown more and more popular over the last few decades. Women are the worst criticizers of themselves than any other person could ever be to them. So when they decide that they need to do something about their breasts, odds are that they will. Some will have breast enhancement surgery just because they feel it will boost their self esteem while others have other reasons. But in the end what they're really doing is having a surgery that isn't necessary.

I'm not saying that I think breast enhancement is bad, I am just saying that if you can receive the same results by using an herbal breast enhancement supplement that would be the way to go. Not only is plastic surgery scary because of the thought of scalpels and scars but also because of the price-tag. Plastic surgery for breast augmentation can cost upwards of twenty five hundred dollars if not closer to ten thousand. It's not cheap. But there is a way to have the same results for only hundreds. That would be by trying an herbal supplement instead of breast enhancement surgery.

There are many herbal breast enhancement products available with each claiming to be the best there is. Most of them are herbal supplements used for breast enhancement and will give you a bigger cup size. This is possible by helping your body to release the hormones that your body naturally produced at puberty. Fortunately though, this time you can actually have a choice in how big they do get. Once you have achieved the results you were looking for you simply quit taking the breast enhancement pills.

The results that you have gotten are permanent and won't go away simply because you quit taking your doses. The one difference that some women don't like is that unlike plastic surgery, the results won't be noticeable right away. It can take up to two months before you actually notice that your cup size has gotten any bigger. To some that is a really big problem but if you consider how much money and pain you will be saving yourself you'll understand that it was well worth the wait.

To think of changing yourself can be a hard thing to really do. It's easy to say that you want to lose weight or maybe you would like to try colored contacts but to actually do something about it is a whole other story. By trying breast enhancement pills as your way to change your cup size you are doing something that will not hurt you if you decide that you made the wrong decision. The supplement makers work to ensure that you are getting only the best product available to help you achieve the results you desire.

About the Author
Christina Pearle, once an A bra cup, is an advocate of natural breast enhancement and safely increased her bra size to a C cup without cosmetic surgery. To learn more about natural breast enlargement, visit her personal website where she reveals the secrets to natural female breast growth: www.femalebreastgrowth.com

8 Ways to Prevent Breast Cancer

Women should focus on keeping breast health through good lifestyle and dietary choices.Here are eight ways to help you prevent breast cancer. They are supported with many researches and studies. You should embark them all if possible.

1. You should be more active. A recent Norwegian study discovered that women who exercised on a regular basis cut their breast cancer risk by 72 percent.

2. You should eat more unrefined seed foods. They all contain phytoestrogens. If you eat foods rich in these elements, you are 4 times less likely to be diagnosed with breast cancer. You should consume whole grains, beans, nuts, edible seeds, fruits and vegetables with their seeds.

3. You should eat less vegetable oil and increase the consumption of animal fat and dairy products. Consume yogurt, cheese, milk, butter, and olive oil on a daily basis, and eat meat from time to time.

4. You should eat less tofu and soy beverage. The isoflavone found in soy causes breast cancer cells to grow rapidly. On the other hand, eat more miso and tamari. Studies have found that they are very effective in preventing cancer.

5. You should eat foods rich in antioxidants. At the same time, avoid supplements of vitamins E and C. It was discovered that supplements increase breast cancer risk.
Eat five to seven servings of dark green and bright red/orange foods every day.

6. You should sleep in the dark. Recent studies found out that exposure to light at night increases the risk of breast cancer by at least 36 percent.

7. You should drink red clover blossom infusion. Drink a quart of red clover infusion every week.

8. You should eat seaweed as a vegetable. Consume at least a half-cup serving per week. Wakame, kombu, kelp, and alaria are very effective.
If you follow these eight tips you will greatly increase your chances of preventing breast cancer.

About the Author
Alex Fir shares a wealth of information on his website Breast Cancer Facts. To learn about symptoms of inflammatory breast cancer visit his site right now.

Using Breast Success Natural Breast Growth Solution for Faster Results

You are not alone if you desire to have larger and firmer breasts. Women around the world have similar desires with a growing number fortunate to benefit from top natural breast growth solutions such as Breast Success.

As you may be aware, breast implants come with toxicity risks with many women who had breast implants ultimately suffering from life altering ailments such as cancer and immune deficiency problems. The surgery procedure also comes with surgical risk and patients have to bear with the recovery process. Insurance do not cover the such a cosmetic surgery and you will have to pay thousands of dollars from your own pocket should you wish to pursue with this expensive procedure.

Some women have tried to use silicone bra inserts, a low cost and low risk option compared to surgery. However, in addition to being embarrassed by the use of these since such bra inserts are unnatural, many women find these to be uncomfortable.

Many women instead seek ways to expedite and maximize natural breast growth as they know it is the safest route to achieve breasts that are more attractive, larger and firmer. And many who suffered from the embarrassment of having underdeveloped, small or sagging breasts have turned to Breast Success, a leading natural breast growth solution with a successful track record.

Breast Success is a non-invasive solution that does not contain synthetic compound, additive, lubricant and filler contents.

It helps you grow bigger breasts with its formulation that contains effective herbal active ingredients such as Fenugreek Seed Extract, Saw Palmetto Berry, Fennel Seed, L-Tyrosine, Mexican Wild Yam Root, Pacific Kelp, Damiana Leaf, Dong Quai Root, Motherwort Herb, Black Cohosh Root Extract, Oat Grass, Blessed Thistle Herb and Hops Flower.

These active ingredients are listed on the Food and Drug Administration's GRAS list of safe foods and are known to be very potent when it comes to promoting growth of breast tissues.

Additionally, some of the ingredients were included in the formulation because they are known to normalize imbalanced hormone levels - the primary cause of 80% of underdeveloped breasts cases hence stimulating breast growth.

Due to the blending, combination and synergistic effect of the product ingredients, you can expect the following when using this top solution: - Growth of your own breast tissue is stimulated - Your breasts are firmed - The area around your breasts are tightened.

In other words, by following the recommended consumption of Breast Success capsules, you will experience safe, natural and optimum breast growth within a faster period.

About the Author
To learn how you can maximize natural breast growth with faster results, visit Joanne Vern's blog at: http://breastsuccessreport.com where you will find everything you need to know about Breast Success and much more.

Herbal Breast Enhancement is Most Effective For Women

Since ages most women, all over the world have felt the urge to look presentable and have well shaped rounded breasts. Present day scenario of women liberation has brought many women out of their homes to try getting their presentable figure, which they always desired. As such, many women feel much confident about themselves, now, if they have larger breasts. They want to go for breast enhancement treatment to have larger, firmer and fuller rounded breasts.

Herbal breast enhancement products are becoming an effective alternative to breast enlargement for women who do not want to undergo surgical operations like breast implants etc.They also do not want to have an artificial look. Moreover, on the top of it, most women cannot take the risk of surgery and they cannot afford the costs involved.

There are side effects that a woman can get from surgery, like hardening of breasts, infection and loss of sensation in the nipples. The leakage from breast implants can cause discomfort and can change the shape of breasts. Therefore, most women are scary of these surgeries and seek alternative breast enhancement treatments like herbal pills.

These days, many products are available that can produce the result of breast enlargement, for women. These include creams, gels, magic bras and herbal pills. However, herbal breast enhancement pills seem to be very popular. There pills provide the results that the majority of women want, which means larger and fuller breasts with round attractive shape. Most of the women are happy now to find that there is a viable treatment in the form of breast enhancement pills available now. This certainly is natural alternative to the painful and often very dangerous breast enhancement surgery.

Although all female bodies start to grow and develop in the same fashion, naturally, starting with the formation of nipples, yet the breast formation for every individual female is different during the puberty stage, itself. Therefore, many women start cursing themselves if they do not get full and large breasts during this period. Herbal breast enhancement pills certainly help this type of women to give them the desired shape, while ensuring that their breasts become larger and fuller. as well. The hormone responsible for this change is called the estrogen hormone, which is responsible for breast enlargement during puberty or pregnancy of the women. Abundant supply of this hormone produced naturally, with the use of these herbal pills, ensures the breasts' growth in a natural and permanent fashion..

If a lady is pregnant, her body will begin to release a much higher than normal amount of estrogen making her breasts larger. However, this is not a permanent affair, and this does not promote firmer breasts either. Moreover,, the breasts do have a tendency to sag during breast-feeding while the baby sucks on them. The result may be having small breasts, which just keep hanging shallowly on the chest. Hence, the herbal breast enhancement pills are the right answer.

About the Author
Additional information on Breast Enhancement pills New Jersey as well as reviews, tips,exercises and current information on specific Breast Enlargement pills New Jersey companies can be found here at the Herbal Foundation;Your in depth resource guide for Breast Enlargement New Jersey without costly surgery.