The fallopian tubes are located on either side of the uterus. They continue outwards towards the ovaries. At the end of each fallopian tube is a fimbria, or finger-like structure that reaches out towards the ovary to catch eggs when they are released. The fimbria stimulates the ovary when it is time for ovulation. The cilia of the fimbria direct the egg down the fallopian tube towards the uterus.
This section of the fallopian tube, which contains the fimbria, is called the infundibulum. The infundibulum opens into a dilated part of the fallopian tube called the ampulla. The ampulla is where fertilization of the egg generally takes place. Once the egg is fertilized, it will travel down the isthmus, a more narrow part of the fallopian tube. Then it enters the intramural oviduct, which is basically the entrance to the uterus.
The fallopian tubes are made up of three primary layers. The first and innermost layer of the fallopian tubes is called the mucosa. This layer secretes mucus and protects the fallopian tubes. The mucosa has a distinct appearance and can help differentiate between the portions of the fallopian tubes described above. The second layer of the fallopian tubes is called the muscularis externa. This layer is basically a layer of muscle tissue capable of contracting. These contractions help move fluid and eggs through the fallopian tubes. The third layer is the serosa. This is a smooth outer lining.
Problems with the fallopian tubes can lead to infertility. Blockages, inflammation and dysfunction of the fallopian tubes are common causes of infertility. Pelvic inflammatory disease affects the uterus, fallopian tubes and/or ovaries. Inflammation inside the fallopian tube can prevent the passage of an egg and inhibit the chances of a successful pregnancy. This inflammation can eventually cause tissues to stick together and turn into a scar. Scar tissue and adhesions are common causes of blockage in the fallopian tubes. Pelvic inflammatory disease is most commonly caused by sexually transmitted diseases or bacterial infections, although other causes are also possible.
Tubal occlusion or blockage can be tested by x-ray. A dye is injected into the cervix. It travels up through the uterus and into the fallopian tubes. If the dye spills out into the abdominal cavity, then there isn't a complete blockage in the tube. This procedure is called a hysterosalpingogram. There may be a partial blockage still present, or the tube itself may not be functional enough to transport an egg all the way to the uterus.
If there isn't a complete blockage of the fallopian tube, then a laparoscopy can be performed to assess the tubal damage. Sometimes surgery can correct tubal damage, or in vitro fertilization may be recommended by your doctor or infertility specialist.
About the Author
About the Author: Eric Daiter is the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT. For more information on The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Dr. Eric Daiter please visit
The Many Causes Of Early Menopause
Early menopause can be caused by a number of factors. It is important to know the causes so an early menopause treatment may be given. Because early menopause has several causes, the treatment given is also different from one another. The causes of early menopause may be known through the diagnosis of the physician. The right assessment and diagnostic procedures are the only way to know the root cause of the early menopausal problem.
Surgical Causes Of Early Menopause
There are two surgical causes of menopause. The first and the most common one is Oophorectomy and Total Hysterectomy while the other one is secondary ovarian damage due to other performed surgical procedures. Because the ovaries are removed or are damaged permanently, the levels of your hormones would suddenly drop in levels and would cause severity in the symptoms of menopause.
Hormonal Causes Of Early Menopause
At times, the hormones themselves become the causes of early menopause. Due to unknown factors, the hormone levels causes irregularity in menses which can cause total cessation of the monthly period. The doctor would most likely suggest the use of hormonal stabilizers so the woman may experience the flow of menses again. The hormonal drugs can substitute for the lost hormones by the ovary. As long as you take these medications, your menses may be able to get back to its normal cycle again.
Chemical Causes Of Early Menopause
When a woman has cancer and she needs to be treated with chemotherapeutic drugs, there can be higher chances that her ovaries will get damaged. Because of this damage, a permanent cessation in the menses may take place. The least that a doctor can do would be to provide the right hormonal replacements for the woman. As much as possible, chemotherapy is to be avoided so further organ damage can be rid of.
Familial Causes Of Early Menopause
Genetic causes of early menopause may be possible. If your mother or other siblings have the menopausal problems, then you can only expect yourself to have the same bodily problems. Because the cause is rooted to the genes, it would be impossible to rid of the problem. Again, hormonal replacements are to be given so the problem can be easily alleviated.
Other Causes Of Early Menopause
Other causes of early menopause would include several disorders that can affect the release of reproductive hormones. Thyroid problems, pituitary disorders, and polycystic ovaries are only some of the causes of the early cessation of menses. If these problems are medically addressed, there could be a big possibility that your early menopausal problems can be treated.
About the Author
Britney Smith is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on various resources. She shares tips on natural menopause relief secrets and invites you to her lens to Learn about natural menopause relief secrets.
Surgical Causes Of Early Menopause
There are two surgical causes of menopause. The first and the most common one is Oophorectomy and Total Hysterectomy while the other one is secondary ovarian damage due to other performed surgical procedures. Because the ovaries are removed or are damaged permanently, the levels of your hormones would suddenly drop in levels and would cause severity in the symptoms of menopause.
Hormonal Causes Of Early Menopause
At times, the hormones themselves become the causes of early menopause. Due to unknown factors, the hormone levels causes irregularity in menses which can cause total cessation of the monthly period. The doctor would most likely suggest the use of hormonal stabilizers so the woman may experience the flow of menses again. The hormonal drugs can substitute for the lost hormones by the ovary. As long as you take these medications, your menses may be able to get back to its normal cycle again.
Chemical Causes Of Early Menopause
When a woman has cancer and she needs to be treated with chemotherapeutic drugs, there can be higher chances that her ovaries will get damaged. Because of this damage, a permanent cessation in the menses may take place. The least that a doctor can do would be to provide the right hormonal replacements for the woman. As much as possible, chemotherapy is to be avoided so further organ damage can be rid of.
Familial Causes Of Early Menopause
Genetic causes of early menopause may be possible. If your mother or other siblings have the menopausal problems, then you can only expect yourself to have the same bodily problems. Because the cause is rooted to the genes, it would be impossible to rid of the problem. Again, hormonal replacements are to be given so the problem can be easily alleviated.
Other Causes Of Early Menopause
Other causes of early menopause would include several disorders that can affect the release of reproductive hormones. Thyroid problems, pituitary disorders, and polycystic ovaries are only some of the causes of the early cessation of menses. If these problems are medically addressed, there could be a big possibility that your early menopausal problems can be treated.
About the Author
Britney Smith is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on various resources. She shares tips on natural menopause relief secrets and invites you to her lens to Learn about natural menopause relief secrets.
Premature Ovarian Failure And Early Menopause: Are They The Same?
When a woman reaches the age of 40, she usually experiences the bouts of menopause. However, not all women experience the changes at exactly the same year. Some have menopause later in life while others experience an early menopause. Several factors can trigger the early menopause symptom to attack; and in most cases, they can be treated.
Premature ovarian failure is always associated with early menopause. Some even consider the two the same. Although both experience cessation of menopause, the two aren't exactly identical. Find out more about this by reading the items below.
Defining Early Menopause
A woman can call it an early menopause if she experiences the four cardinal signs of the condition. First, menopause before the age of 40 is termed as premature menopause. Early menopause starts between the age of forty and forty five and no other age before that. It is also associated with several causes like failure of the ovaries, surgical removal of the ovaries, and chemical removal through chemotherapy. It is important to note that both the symptoms of premature and early menopause are basically the same.
Early Menopause Versus Premature Ovarian Failure
For starters, a premature ovarian failure isn't entirely the same as early menopause. Although the two experience a sudden cessation in menses, the causes aren't completely similar. The premature onset is related by failure of the ovaries to release enough hormones that causes menses. However, a woman may still experience sporadic menses all throughout the year. On the other hand, the early onset menopause is the total cessation of menses that can only be treated through hormones and other treatment ways.
Premature Ovarian Failure Causes Early Menopause
Premature ovarian failure and early menopause aren't the same because the latter may only be a manifestation of ovarian failure. Since early onset menopause is triggered by a lot of factors, failure of the ovaries can be one of them. Aside from this, there are many other reasons why a menopause can cease to as early as 15 years old. What is important is you bring yourself to medical consult once such problem is spotted.
If you visit the doctor early enough, you may still be given several treatment methods that may help you cope or would help eliminate the problem entirely. In this kind of condition, only a doctor can provide you with the attention that you need. And only the doctor can diagnose you of the disorder that you are really having.
About the Author
Britney Smith is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on various resources. She shares tips on natural menopause relief secrets and invites you to her lens to Learn about natural menopause relief secrets.
Premature ovarian failure is always associated with early menopause. Some even consider the two the same. Although both experience cessation of menopause, the two aren't exactly identical. Find out more about this by reading the items below.
Defining Early Menopause
A woman can call it an early menopause if she experiences the four cardinal signs of the condition. First, menopause before the age of 40 is termed as premature menopause. Early menopause starts between the age of forty and forty five and no other age before that. It is also associated with several causes like failure of the ovaries, surgical removal of the ovaries, and chemical removal through chemotherapy. It is important to note that both the symptoms of premature and early menopause are basically the same.
Early Menopause Versus Premature Ovarian Failure
For starters, a premature ovarian failure isn't entirely the same as early menopause. Although the two experience a sudden cessation in menses, the causes aren't completely similar. The premature onset is related by failure of the ovaries to release enough hormones that causes menses. However, a woman may still experience sporadic menses all throughout the year. On the other hand, the early onset menopause is the total cessation of menses that can only be treated through hormones and other treatment ways.
Premature Ovarian Failure Causes Early Menopause
Premature ovarian failure and early menopause aren't the same because the latter may only be a manifestation of ovarian failure. Since early onset menopause is triggered by a lot of factors, failure of the ovaries can be one of them. Aside from this, there are many other reasons why a menopause can cease to as early as 15 years old. What is important is you bring yourself to medical consult once such problem is spotted.
If you visit the doctor early enough, you may still be given several treatment methods that may help you cope or would help eliminate the problem entirely. In this kind of condition, only a doctor can provide you with the attention that you need. And only the doctor can diagnose you of the disorder that you are really having.
About the Author
Britney Smith is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on various resources. She shares tips on natural menopause relief secrets and invites you to her lens to Learn about natural menopause relief secrets.
Symptoms of Infertility and Pregnancy
Symptoms of Infertility occurs when a couple or a person became unable to conceive after prolong unprotected sexual intercourse.
Usually, people are unfamiliar about the various causes of infertility which may mislead them on wrong trail, but I think the knowledge of this important issue should be well distinguished among them and I am here to tell you every thing about the issues concerned with the symptoms of infertility, causes of infertility in women and lots more interrelated issues.
In most of the cases people are totally unaware of the fact that they are infertile but if they have knowledge about the symptoms of barrenness then they can treat themselves from the professional doctors. Generally, symptoms of infertility can not be recognize on first time because its symptoms affect internally and not externally, therefore it can properly be comprehend after the proper medical examination. The most common cause of infertility in women is the irregular or absence of menstrual cycle.
Then in another case if you are experiencing some kind of pain in your pelvic area then you should immediately concern with a physician because it may be possible that this is one of the symptoms of infertility problem. Apart from it, ovulation problem, pelvic adhesion, endometriosis and the blockages of female tubes are some other causes of infertility in women. Anomalous increase or fall of basal body temperature is generally associated with hormonal disparities that concern with the hormones needed for ovulation. However, besides it, if you get pregnant or become fertile after the proper treatment of your infertility then the common and very early symptoms of pregnancy can show you the signs of some upcoming happiness in your life.
Mentioned below are 10 pregnancy signs that can help you to know about your pregnancy:
1) Missed menstrual period: If you have first time missed your menstrual period then you may suppose to be pregnant.
2) Swollen breasts: Swelling of breast is another very early symptom of pregnancy which usually takes place two weeks after the conception, hormonal changes can make your breast tender and more soft.
3) Small bleeding or pain: In some cases there may occur little amount of vaginal bleeding and this also concern with the symptoms of pregnancy. It generally turn out when the fertilized egg joined to the lining of the uterus about 10 to 14 days after fertilization.
4) Morning Sickness - A feeling of vomiting or sickness in the mornings can be another symptom of pregnancy. However, this signs is only justified when you experience it for several days.
5) Fatigue: Feeling of exhaustion can be another symptom of pregnancy, however, it may be possible that the reason behind your tiredness is concern with the general kind of exhaustion.
6) Frequent urination If you are frequently going to bathroom for urination then probably it may be the signs that you are pregnant.
7) Headaches: The frequent hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy can trigger frequent headaches.
8) Mood fluctuation: Mood swings are also occurs commonly during pregnancy.
9) Faintness and giddiness: Due to the fluctuation of blood pressure in the body, you may sometime feels dizziness or faintness due to the weakness in the body and this signs also contribute to the hint of pregnancy signs.
10) Raised basal body temperature: It may be an another symbol of pregnancy Although, all these symbols are not the only reasons behind pregnancy, because they may occurs due to some another kind of problems. Therefore, I will suggest you to consult with the doctor if you want perfect answers to quench your queries.
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For more information on signs of infertility treatment log on to
Usually, people are unfamiliar about the various causes of infertility which may mislead them on wrong trail, but I think the knowledge of this important issue should be well distinguished among them and I am here to tell you every thing about the issues concerned with the symptoms of infertility, causes of infertility in women and lots more interrelated issues.
In most of the cases people are totally unaware of the fact that they are infertile but if they have knowledge about the symptoms of barrenness then they can treat themselves from the professional doctors. Generally, symptoms of infertility can not be recognize on first time because its symptoms affect internally and not externally, therefore it can properly be comprehend after the proper medical examination. The most common cause of infertility in women is the irregular or absence of menstrual cycle.
Then in another case if you are experiencing some kind of pain in your pelvic area then you should immediately concern with a physician because it may be possible that this is one of the symptoms of infertility problem. Apart from it, ovulation problem, pelvic adhesion, endometriosis and the blockages of female tubes are some other causes of infertility in women. Anomalous increase or fall of basal body temperature is generally associated with hormonal disparities that concern with the hormones needed for ovulation. However, besides it, if you get pregnant or become fertile after the proper treatment of your infertility then the common and very early symptoms of pregnancy can show you the signs of some upcoming happiness in your life.
Mentioned below are 10 pregnancy signs that can help you to know about your pregnancy:
1) Missed menstrual period: If you have first time missed your menstrual period then you may suppose to be pregnant.
2) Swollen breasts: Swelling of breast is another very early symptom of pregnancy which usually takes place two weeks after the conception, hormonal changes can make your breast tender and more soft.
3) Small bleeding or pain: In some cases there may occur little amount of vaginal bleeding and this also concern with the symptoms of pregnancy. It generally turn out when the fertilized egg joined to the lining of the uterus about 10 to 14 days after fertilization.
4) Morning Sickness - A feeling of vomiting or sickness in the mornings can be another symptom of pregnancy. However, this signs is only justified when you experience it for several days.
5) Fatigue: Feeling of exhaustion can be another symptom of pregnancy, however, it may be possible that the reason behind your tiredness is concern with the general kind of exhaustion.
6) Frequent urination If you are frequently going to bathroom for urination then probably it may be the signs that you are pregnant.
7) Headaches: The frequent hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy can trigger frequent headaches.
8) Mood fluctuation: Mood swings are also occurs commonly during pregnancy.
9) Faintness and giddiness: Due to the fluctuation of blood pressure in the body, you may sometime feels dizziness or faintness due to the weakness in the body and this signs also contribute to the hint of pregnancy signs.
10) Raised basal body temperature: It may be an another symbol of pregnancy Although, all these symbols are not the only reasons behind pregnancy, because they may occurs due to some another kind of problems. Therefore, I will suggest you to consult with the doctor if you want perfect answers to quench your queries.
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Different Types Of Infertility Drugs Treatment
Infertility drugs are the major forms of treatment for infertility. They are prescribed either on their own or in conjunction with other methods of infertility treatments. Infertility drugs are meant to increase the chance of conceiving a baby. They do this by stimulating the body to produce more of needed hormones for conception. Female infertility drugs also help the body to produce better quality eggs. The same drug used on a man will help his body to produce more testosterone. There are many different types of infertility drugs available on the market.
Types of Infertility Drugs Clomid is one of many infertility drugs and it is normally prescribed for many infertile couples. Clomid is popular because it helps a woman's body to start to ovulate properly. Clomid stimulates the ovaries to produce mature eggs. This is essential for increasing the success rate of pregnancy. Clomid is well known in the United Kingdom. It is readily available in the United Kingdom as well as in many online United States pharmacies.
Clomid can cause birth defects in unborn children. If you think that you are pregnant, you need to can stop the medication and consult your doctor immediately.
Clomid stimulates the receptors that regulate the production and release of the female hormones, estrogen. There are three hormones that the Clomid are designed to work on. They are the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), and the Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). These hormones are essential for the proper working of ovulation in the female and are vital for pregnancy to occur. Clomid is very effective in reproducing the effect of low estrogen levels. The brain senses the low estrogen levels and commands the production of the three hormones mentioned. The net effect is the production of mature eggs by the ovaries.
Clomid is also used to treat anovulation, PCOS, and irregular periods in women. The Clomid is usually taken for certain days of the menstrual cycle. The drug may be taken on days 3 to day 7 of the cycle or days 5 to day 9. The starting dosage of Clomid is 50 mg. More than one cycle of the medication before the result is apparent. If there is not effect in the ovulation, the doctor will need to consider increasing the dosage. Six cycles is usually the limit for Clomid. If unsuccessful, the usage of Clomid will need to be discontinued and the patient assessed for other options.
There is a direct linkage between the lack of progesterone and infertility in female. Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone in female. It is necessary for regular menstrual cycle. Progesterone is created after ovulation. Progesterone is also essential for maintaining the twelve-week-old placenta during pregnancy. The combination of progesterone and infertility treatments is a good aid to pregnancy.
Progesterone is an integral part of in-vitro fertilization. Progesterone and infertility treatments are both required to bring about the fertilization of the egg. Progesterone is prescribed to cause the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for conception. It will make it easier for the fetus a chance to attach to the uterine lining. Thus, progesterone and infertility treatments work together. Progesterone is essential because it increases blood flow to the uterus lining.
Progesterone will cause some side effects such as a bloated feeling, breast tenderness, tiredness, nausea, headaches and experience of mood swings. For user of suppository, there may be additional vaginal discharge. However, the uses of progesterone and infertility treatments are generally safe. If you have any medical history, consult your doctor before using progesterone and infertility treatments.
Hypothyroidism Medication
If you are a female and have low thyroid or hypothyroidism, you will have abnormal ovulation cycles and are most likely overweight as well. You experience fatigue easily and have little drive for physical activities. All these contribute to conception problems. For the male, there can be erectile problems, premature ejaculation, and low testosterone level. If you have low thyroid function you will be put on thyroid medication to tackle the problem. You can continue the medication if you get pregnant but you will need to watch your medication closely. The medicine will not go affect the placenta or go through mother's milk to the baby.
About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Male Infertility Solutions to learn more about the cause for infertility and other alternative solutions such as acupuncture for infertility.
Types of Infertility Drugs Clomid is one of many infertility drugs and it is normally prescribed for many infertile couples. Clomid is popular because it helps a woman's body to start to ovulate properly. Clomid stimulates the ovaries to produce mature eggs. This is essential for increasing the success rate of pregnancy. Clomid is well known in the United Kingdom. It is readily available in the United Kingdom as well as in many online United States pharmacies.
Clomid can cause birth defects in unborn children. If you think that you are pregnant, you need to can stop the medication and consult your doctor immediately.
Clomid stimulates the receptors that regulate the production and release of the female hormones, estrogen. There are three hormones that the Clomid are designed to work on. They are the Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH), and the Follicle-Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and the Luteinizing Hormone (LH). These hormones are essential for the proper working of ovulation in the female and are vital for pregnancy to occur. Clomid is very effective in reproducing the effect of low estrogen levels. The brain senses the low estrogen levels and commands the production of the three hormones mentioned. The net effect is the production of mature eggs by the ovaries.
Clomid is also used to treat anovulation, PCOS, and irregular periods in women. The Clomid is usually taken for certain days of the menstrual cycle. The drug may be taken on days 3 to day 7 of the cycle or days 5 to day 9. The starting dosage of Clomid is 50 mg. More than one cycle of the medication before the result is apparent. If there is not effect in the ovulation, the doctor will need to consider increasing the dosage. Six cycles is usually the limit for Clomid. If unsuccessful, the usage of Clomid will need to be discontinued and the patient assessed for other options.
There is a direct linkage between the lack of progesterone and infertility in female. Progesterone is a naturally occurring hormone in female. It is necessary for regular menstrual cycle. Progesterone is created after ovulation. Progesterone is also essential for maintaining the twelve-week-old placenta during pregnancy. The combination of progesterone and infertility treatments is a good aid to pregnancy.
Progesterone is an integral part of in-vitro fertilization. Progesterone and infertility treatments are both required to bring about the fertilization of the egg. Progesterone is prescribed to cause the uterine lining to thicken in preparation for conception. It will make it easier for the fetus a chance to attach to the uterine lining. Thus, progesterone and infertility treatments work together. Progesterone is essential because it increases blood flow to the uterus lining.
Progesterone will cause some side effects such as a bloated feeling, breast tenderness, tiredness, nausea, headaches and experience of mood swings. For user of suppository, there may be additional vaginal discharge. However, the uses of progesterone and infertility treatments are generally safe. If you have any medical history, consult your doctor before using progesterone and infertility treatments.
Hypothyroidism Medication
If you are a female and have low thyroid or hypothyroidism, you will have abnormal ovulation cycles and are most likely overweight as well. You experience fatigue easily and have little drive for physical activities. All these contribute to conception problems. For the male, there can be erectile problems, premature ejaculation, and low testosterone level. If you have low thyroid function you will be put on thyroid medication to tackle the problem. You can continue the medication if you get pregnant but you will need to watch your medication closely. The medicine will not go affect the placenta or go through mother's milk to the baby.
About the Author
Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit Male Infertility Solutions to learn more about the cause for infertility and other alternative solutions such as acupuncture for infertility.
Female Infertility Treatment - Causes And Symptoms
Infertility is usually defined as not being able to get pregnant despite trying for one year. A broader view of infertility includes not being able to carry a pregnancy to term.
Problems with ovulation account for most infertility in women. Signs of problems with ovulation include irregular menstrual periods or no periods. Simple lifestyle factors, including stress, diet, or athletic training can affect a woman's hormonal balance.
Many women trying to conceive for the first time panic if their periods continue for even three or four months. But the standard definition of infertility is unsuccessful conception after an entire year of unprotected intercourse
What is the cause of female infertility?
Infertility is a situation faced by many couples worldwide when they are unable to conceive. According to a survey in America, around 10% of couples bear the brunt of infertility. Usually when a couple is not able to conceive, the female partner is generally blamed, but the reality is that both the partners are equally responsible.
The most common cause of female infertility is an ovulation disorder.Other causes of female infertility include blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. Repeated miscarriages may be caused by congenital anomalies (birth defects) involving the structure of the uterus and uterine fibroids.
Signs and symptoms
The main symptom of infertility is the inability for a couple to get pregnant. There may be no other obvious symptoms of infertility.
In some cases, an infertile woman may have abnormal menstrual periods. An infertile man may have some signs of hormonal problems such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Diagnosis methods
Investigating suspected infertility requires a number of tests for both the woman and her partner. Tests for the woman may include:
* Blood tests - to check for the presence of ovulation hormones. * Laparoscopy - a 'keyhole' surgical procedure in which an instrument is inserted though a small incision in the abdomen so that the reproductive organs can be examined. * Ultrasound tests - to check for the presence of fibroids.
The treatment of infertility has made enormous progress in the last decade as a result of advances in assisted reproductive technology, or ART. This technology combines the use of fertility drugs - hormonal therapy - with artificial insemination using any of a group of techniques: intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), or oocyte (egg) donation.
Acupuncture may be helpful in the treatment of some cases of female infertility due to problems with ovarian function. In a preliminary trial, women who did not ovulate were treated with acupuncture 30 times over three months. Effectiveness was determined by a combination of measures indicating ovulation was returning to normal.
How can I help prevent infertility?
You may not be able to prevent infertility resulting from genetic problems or an illness. However, you can do the following to reduce the risk of infertility:
* Prevent sexually transmitted diseases by using latex or polyurethane condoms. Also, have just 1 sexual partner who is not sexually active with anyone else. * Limit the amount of alcohol you drink to no more than 1 or 2 drinks a week. * Avoid the use of street drugs (such as heroin) and overuse of prescription and nonprescription drugs. * Do not smoke. * Maintain good personal hygiene and health practices.
Infertility is a tough situation for women. Many of them conclude that they can't conceive, but that is not true. At times it takes long to conceive and even if then one is not able to, and then these medical aids are there to help one out of these difficult situations.
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Read out Acne home remedies. Also check out for pregnancy nutrition and beauty tips.
Problems with ovulation account for most infertility in women. Signs of problems with ovulation include irregular menstrual periods or no periods. Simple lifestyle factors, including stress, diet, or athletic training can affect a woman's hormonal balance.
Many women trying to conceive for the first time panic if their periods continue for even three or four months. But the standard definition of infertility is unsuccessful conception after an entire year of unprotected intercourse
What is the cause of female infertility?
Infertility is a situation faced by many couples worldwide when they are unable to conceive. According to a survey in America, around 10% of couples bear the brunt of infertility. Usually when a couple is not able to conceive, the female partner is generally blamed, but the reality is that both the partners are equally responsible.
The most common cause of female infertility is an ovulation disorder.Other causes of female infertility include blocked fallopian tubes, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) and endometriosis. Repeated miscarriages may be caused by congenital anomalies (birth defects) involving the structure of the uterus and uterine fibroids.
Signs and symptoms
The main symptom of infertility is the inability for a couple to get pregnant. There may be no other obvious symptoms of infertility.
In some cases, an infertile woman may have abnormal menstrual periods. An infertile man may have some signs of hormonal problems such as changes in hair growth or sexual function.
Diagnosis methods
Investigating suspected infertility requires a number of tests for both the woman and her partner. Tests for the woman may include:
* Blood tests - to check for the presence of ovulation hormones. * Laparoscopy - a 'keyhole' surgical procedure in which an instrument is inserted though a small incision in the abdomen so that the reproductive organs can be examined. * Ultrasound tests - to check for the presence of fibroids.
The treatment of infertility has made enormous progress in the last decade as a result of advances in assisted reproductive technology, or ART. This technology combines the use of fertility drugs - hormonal therapy - with artificial insemination using any of a group of techniques: intrauterine insemination (IUI), in vitro fertilization (IVF), gamete intrafallopian transfer (GIFT), zygote intrafallopian transfer (ZIFT), or oocyte (egg) donation.
Acupuncture may be helpful in the treatment of some cases of female infertility due to problems with ovarian function. In a preliminary trial, women who did not ovulate were treated with acupuncture 30 times over three months. Effectiveness was determined by a combination of measures indicating ovulation was returning to normal.
How can I help prevent infertility?
You may not be able to prevent infertility resulting from genetic problems or an illness. However, you can do the following to reduce the risk of infertility:
* Prevent sexually transmitted diseases by using latex or polyurethane condoms. Also, have just 1 sexual partner who is not sexually active with anyone else. * Limit the amount of alcohol you drink to no more than 1 or 2 drinks a week. * Avoid the use of street drugs (such as heroin) and overuse of prescription and nonprescription drugs. * Do not smoke. * Maintain good personal hygiene and health practices.
Infertility is a tough situation for women. Many of them conclude that they can't conceive, but that is not true. At times it takes long to conceive and even if then one is not able to, and then these medical aids are there to help one out of these difficult situations.
About the Author
Read out Acne home remedies. Also check out for pregnancy nutrition and beauty tips.
symptom of infertility
Laparoscopy Endometriosis Treatment
Your infertility specialist may recommend laparoscopy to diagnose and treat endometriosis. Laparoscopy is a relatively non-invasive procedure, especially in the diagnostic phase of your infertility treatment. It can be a lot more invasive, and can be considered a major surgery when it is used to treat endometriosis.
To perform a laparoscopic procedure, your doctor will make a small incision near your navel. Your abdomen will be filled with carbon dioxide to inflate it. This allows the doctor to then insert the laparoscope and inspect your reproductive organs and abdominal cavity. The inflation gives the doctor plenty of room to look around. Your body may be tilted back during the procedure so that your intestines and other organs will shift higher up into your body. This gives the surgeon a more clear view of your reproductive organs.
The laparoscope itself is like a tiny, long telescope. It projects a light into your body so that the surgeon can look around. Your doctor may need to make a second incision near your pubic bone to insert other surgical tools. Endometriosis may be quite visible, but sometimes it is not visible to the naked eye. Your surgeon may take biopsies of tissue from your body during the laparoscopic procedure. The tissues will be examined under a microscope to confirm or deny the presence of endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a condition that causes the endometrium, normally lining your uterus, to grow outside of the uterus and attach itself to surrounding structures and organs. Adhesions and scar tissue can form inside of your abdominal and pelvic regions, causing a lot of pain, discomfort and fertility problems. Endometriosis can be mild and may not be discovered until a laparoscopic procedure is performed. If endometriosis affects your ovaries or fallopian tubes, then it can keep eggs from passing through to your uterus for implantation. Endometriosis is a progressive condition and can get worse over time.
Symptoms of endometriosis include abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation, extremely painful menstrual cramps that last for days, back pain, painful intercourse, urination or defecation. These symptoms can be very similar to other infections or disorders. Therefore, endometriosis may be overlooked until infertility is a concern.
If endometriosis is discovered, your infertility specialist can use laparoscopy as part of the surgical treatment. A pelvis afflicted by endometriosis can also include adhesions, cysts, scar tissue and endometrial implants. Your surgeon will attempt to remove endometrial implants, drain cysts, separate and loosen adhesions and scar tissue. Laser treatment may be used to cut away adhesions, scar tissue and cysts.
Laparoscopy used to treat endometriosis is considered a major surgical procedure, but because of the small incisions made and the state of the art techniques used, there is generally a fast recovery with minimal discomfort after the procedure. Talk to your doctor and discover if laparoscopy endometriosis treatment can help you be on your way to fertility.
About the Author
About the Author: Eric Daiter is the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT. For more information on The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Dr. Eric Daiter please visit
To perform a laparoscopic procedure, your doctor will make a small incision near your navel. Your abdomen will be filled with carbon dioxide to inflate it. This allows the doctor to then insert the laparoscope and inspect your reproductive organs and abdominal cavity. The inflation gives the doctor plenty of room to look around. Your body may be tilted back during the procedure so that your intestines and other organs will shift higher up into your body. This gives the surgeon a more clear view of your reproductive organs.
The laparoscope itself is like a tiny, long telescope. It projects a light into your body so that the surgeon can look around. Your doctor may need to make a second incision near your pubic bone to insert other surgical tools. Endometriosis may be quite visible, but sometimes it is not visible to the naked eye. Your surgeon may take biopsies of tissue from your body during the laparoscopic procedure. The tissues will be examined under a microscope to confirm or deny the presence of endometriosis.
Endometriosis is a condition that causes the endometrium, normally lining your uterus, to grow outside of the uterus and attach itself to surrounding structures and organs. Adhesions and scar tissue can form inside of your abdominal and pelvic regions, causing a lot of pain, discomfort and fertility problems. Endometriosis can be mild and may not be discovered until a laparoscopic procedure is performed. If endometriosis affects your ovaries or fallopian tubes, then it can keep eggs from passing through to your uterus for implantation. Endometriosis is a progressive condition and can get worse over time.
Symptoms of endometriosis include abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation, extremely painful menstrual cramps that last for days, back pain, painful intercourse, urination or defecation. These symptoms can be very similar to other infections or disorders. Therefore, endometriosis may be overlooked until infertility is a concern.
If endometriosis is discovered, your infertility specialist can use laparoscopy as part of the surgical treatment. A pelvis afflicted by endometriosis can also include adhesions, cysts, scar tissue and endometrial implants. Your surgeon will attempt to remove endometrial implants, drain cysts, separate and loosen adhesions and scar tissue. Laser treatment may be used to cut away adhesions, scar tissue and cysts.
Laparoscopy used to treat endometriosis is considered a major surgical procedure, but because of the small incisions made and the state of the art techniques used, there is generally a fast recovery with minimal discomfort after the procedure. Talk to your doctor and discover if laparoscopy endometriosis treatment can help you be on your way to fertility.
About the Author
About the Author: Eric Daiter is the medical director of The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine, LLC, a leading NEW JERSEY INFERTILITY CENTER that offers a complete range of MALE INFERTILITY AND FEMALE INFERTILITY TREATMENT. For more information on The NJ Center for Fertility and Reproductive Medicine and Dr. Eric Daiter please visit
Endometriosis Treatment,
Endometriosis - Symptoms of Endometriosis (by Kyle J. Norton)
As we mentioned in previous articles, during last stage of the menstrual cycle, normally a layer of endometriosis lining in the inside of the uterus is expelled, known as menstruation blood but instead some of the endometriosis tissues grow somewhere in the body causing endometriosis. Endometriosis also reacts to hormone signals of the monthly menstrual cycle, building up tissue, breaking it and eliminating it through menstrual period. In this article, we will discuss symptoms of endometriosis. There are many symptoms caused by endometriosis.
1. Severe period pain It normally happens with over-production of prostaglandins and leukotrient causing the cervix to contract resulting in no escape for the menstrual period.
2. Difficult to get pregnant If the cyst is presented in the ovary, it will respond to hormone changes in the menstrual cycle causing the cysts to get large every month blocking the normal function of ovaries resulting in infertility
3. Pain during sex If endometrosis occurs at the region that is stimulated during sex it may cause excessive pain such as uterosacral ligament and cervic region.
4. Pain elevate to ward the end of period. Endometriosis located somewhere other than in the uterus rupturing during menstruation. Since the blood cannot escape, it retents in our body causing damage to the organs or any part of the body hosting the endometriosis resulting in severe pain toward the end of the period.
5. Constipation Constipation is caused by endometrial implants or adhesion attaching to the organ of excretion. It makes it extremely painful to urinate and defecate.
6. Premenstrual symptoms Premenstrual symptom is defined to have menstrual cramps before and during menstrual cycle. If the pain is more severe than before than it may be caused by endometrial implants or adhesion to more sensitive areas.
7. Heavy period Heavy period is either caused by menorrhagia or endometriosis. Any women who has never experience heavy period before, the sudden change of heavy period may be caused by the rupturing of the endometrial lining embedded on the inner wall of the uterus.
8. Irritable bowel syndrome Women with endometriosis in the bowel region frequently have abdominal and bowel symptoms, specially during the menstrual cycle. Bowel symptoms may be attributed to irritable bowel symptoms or caused by intestinal involvement from endometriosis.
9. Pain in one side of pelvic Pain on one side of the pelvic during menstrual cycle may be caused by endometrial implants or adhesion to that side of the pelvic.
I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advices, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:
About the Author
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact. "Let You Be with Your Health, Let Your Health Be with You" Kyle J. Norton I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries.
1. Severe period pain It normally happens with over-production of prostaglandins and leukotrient causing the cervix to contract resulting in no escape for the menstrual period.
2. Difficult to get pregnant If the cyst is presented in the ovary, it will respond to hormone changes in the menstrual cycle causing the cysts to get large every month blocking the normal function of ovaries resulting in infertility
3. Pain during sex If endometrosis occurs at the region that is stimulated during sex it may cause excessive pain such as uterosacral ligament and cervic region.
4. Pain elevate to ward the end of period. Endometriosis located somewhere other than in the uterus rupturing during menstruation. Since the blood cannot escape, it retents in our body causing damage to the organs or any part of the body hosting the endometriosis resulting in severe pain toward the end of the period.
5. Constipation Constipation is caused by endometrial implants or adhesion attaching to the organ of excretion. It makes it extremely painful to urinate and defecate.
6. Premenstrual symptoms Premenstrual symptom is defined to have menstrual cramps before and during menstrual cycle. If the pain is more severe than before than it may be caused by endometrial implants or adhesion to more sensitive areas.
7. Heavy period Heavy period is either caused by menorrhagia or endometriosis. Any women who has never experience heavy period before, the sudden change of heavy period may be caused by the rupturing of the endometrial lining embedded on the inner wall of the uterus.
8. Irritable bowel syndrome Women with endometriosis in the bowel region frequently have abdominal and bowel symptoms, specially during the menstrual cycle. Bowel symptoms may be attributed to irritable bowel symptoms or caused by intestinal involvement from endometriosis.
9. Pain in one side of pelvic Pain on one side of the pelvic during menstrual cycle may be caused by endometrial implants or adhesion to that side of the pelvic.
I hope this information will help. If you need more information or insurance advices, please follow my article series of the above subject at my home page at:
About the Author
All rights reserved. Any reproducing of this article must have all the links intact. "Let You Be with Your Health, Let Your Health Be with You" Kyle J. Norton I have been studying natural remedies for disease prevention for over 20 years and working as a financial consultant since 1990. Master degree in Mathematics, teaching and tutoring math at colleges and universities before joining insurance industries.
Breast Self Examination With Partners
Have I Lost The Plot?
Partners assisting with breast self examination....well girls, you probably think I have lost the plot completely, suggesting your partners help you with your regular breast self exam. However..... I actually think it can be a great idea and encourage you to think about this option.
Firstly - My Mothers Fear
Many women experience a deep fear in doing their breast self examination. This is a very normal and natural feeling, being a real fear for many of us, including my mother.
After talking to my mother about the importance of doing regular breast self exam, she went home to attempt hers. It wasn't long until she rang me, saying she was simply too frightened to start. I told her that I hoped she would not find a breast lump, but if she were to find one, at least it would be smaller than what it would be, if she did not examine her breasts, and it was found at a later date.
It was a normal feeling my mother had, and it is one that many others share. We talked over the basics and she went ahead doing her breast exam, and was happy to ring me later to say that she had completed it.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Some women would prefer not to understand breast self exam, rather than know they may have signs of breast cancer. They would rather go on with life, simply not knowing. That fear can have implications with their health. I understand that fear. However there is a saying, "feel the fear and do it anyway". I rather like that saying. So it's OK to feel scared, it's OK to be nervous, but it is not OK to not do regular breast self examination.
Once you know when to do your self breast exam, and know how to do your breast examination, you can cross that off your to-do list. Now its a matter of doing them each month and getting to know your breasts. The more you do your breast exam, the more comfortable you will be. For young adults and teenagers, breast tenderness can be an issue, so don't forget to share this information with them!
Grab Your Partner
Why not ask your partner to help you with your breast exam. Chances are that up until this point, they may be more familiar with your breasts, than what you are, and may notice changes earlier. So why not ask them to help you. This will give you support and some courage to get your breast exam over and done with. Having your partner assist you, makes it all seem not so scary.
Check Your Mate
It is possible for men to have male breast cancer, so your man needs to be doing a regular breast exam as well. Involving your partner can help them be aware of the risks and signs of male breast cancer. The days of men thinking that breast cancer is just a female disease are over.
Whatever It Takes
Hey, I think you need to do whatever it takes, to get the job done! Just make sure your partner remembers that the idea is to be doing a breast examination....if you get what I mean girls!
About the Author
Suzanne Early
Suzie likes to share down to earth, easy to understand information on breast cancer basics, with warmth and sensitivity. Having a friend with breast cancer and a career in Adult Education, Suzie hopes women will be encouraged and empower themselves, becoming proactive in their breast health. Early detection is key!
Partners assisting with breast self examination....well girls, you probably think I have lost the plot completely, suggesting your partners help you with your regular breast self exam. However..... I actually think it can be a great idea and encourage you to think about this option.
Firstly - My Mothers Fear
Many women experience a deep fear in doing their breast self examination. This is a very normal and natural feeling, being a real fear for many of us, including my mother.
After talking to my mother about the importance of doing regular breast self exam, she went home to attempt hers. It wasn't long until she rang me, saying she was simply too frightened to start. I told her that I hoped she would not find a breast lump, but if she were to find one, at least it would be smaller than what it would be, if she did not examine her breasts, and it was found at a later date.
It was a normal feeling my mother had, and it is one that many others share. We talked over the basics and she went ahead doing her breast exam, and was happy to ring me later to say that she had completed it.
Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway
Some women would prefer not to understand breast self exam, rather than know they may have signs of breast cancer. They would rather go on with life, simply not knowing. That fear can have implications with their health. I understand that fear. However there is a saying, "feel the fear and do it anyway". I rather like that saying. So it's OK to feel scared, it's OK to be nervous, but it is not OK to not do regular breast self examination.
Once you know when to do your self breast exam, and know how to do your breast examination, you can cross that off your to-do list. Now its a matter of doing them each month and getting to know your breasts. The more you do your breast exam, the more comfortable you will be. For young adults and teenagers, breast tenderness can be an issue, so don't forget to share this information with them!
Grab Your Partner
Why not ask your partner to help you with your breast exam. Chances are that up until this point, they may be more familiar with your breasts, than what you are, and may notice changes earlier. So why not ask them to help you. This will give you support and some courage to get your breast exam over and done with. Having your partner assist you, makes it all seem not so scary.
Check Your Mate
It is possible for men to have male breast cancer, so your man needs to be doing a regular breast exam as well. Involving your partner can help them be aware of the risks and signs of male breast cancer. The days of men thinking that breast cancer is just a female disease are over.
Whatever It Takes
Hey, I think you need to do whatever it takes, to get the job done! Just make sure your partner remembers that the idea is to be doing a breast examination....if you get what I mean girls!
About the Author
Suzanne Early
Suzie likes to share down to earth, easy to understand information on breast cancer basics, with warmth and sensitivity. Having a friend with breast cancer and a career in Adult Education, Suzie hopes women will be encouraged and empower themselves, becoming proactive in their breast health. Early detection is key!
How Happiness May Prevent Breast Cancer?
According to a new study, happiness and optimism may play a role against breast cancer while adverse life events can increase the risk of developing the disease.
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer and starts in the cells of the breast in men and women. The mainstay of its treatment is surgery and cancer drugs. The study has been conducted at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and published in the British journal BMC Cancer.
During the study, researchers asked women about their life experiences and evaluated their levels of happiness, optimism, anxiety, and depression prior to diagnosis. Further, the researchers used this information to examine the relationship between life events, psychological distress and breast cancer among young women.
A total of 622 women between the ages of 25 and 45 were interviewed: 255 breast cancer patients and 367 healthy women. The findings of the study show that there was a clear link between outlook and risk of breast cancer, with optimists 25 percent less likely to have developed the disease. On the other hand women who suffered two or more traumatic events had a 62 percent increased risk of the disease.
While pharmaceutical drugs have seen a lot of innovation over the years, the researchers think that young women who have been exposed to a number of negative life events should be considered 'at-risk' for breast cancer and treated accordingly.
However, there's a possible pitfall that since the women were interviewed after their diagnosis, it could have made them recall negative events more readily. Also, recently, in a different study, the researchers had discovered that disclosing breast cancer diagnoses is itself quite a challenge.
Despite the skepticism the scientists believe that it's safe to say that experiencing more than one severe and/or mild to moderate life event raises a red flag of risk for breast cancer among young women. However, a general feeling of happiness and optimism may have protective effect.
Additionally, the mechanism by which the central nervous, hormonal and immune systems interact and how behavior and external events affect these three systems is not fully understood. And it needs more research to figure out these questions.
About the Author
Fred is a journalist with 7 years of experience. Though, as a professional he's reported on myriad topics, his favorites are the auto and the healthcare industry. Two platforms he's previously worked on are Themedica and Automotive-Online. He now blogs at: Smiling Health.
Breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer and starts in the cells of the breast in men and women. The mainstay of its treatment is surgery and cancer drugs. The study has been conducted at the Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel and published in the British journal BMC Cancer.
During the study, researchers asked women about their life experiences and evaluated their levels of happiness, optimism, anxiety, and depression prior to diagnosis. Further, the researchers used this information to examine the relationship between life events, psychological distress and breast cancer among young women.
A total of 622 women between the ages of 25 and 45 were interviewed: 255 breast cancer patients and 367 healthy women. The findings of the study show that there was a clear link between outlook and risk of breast cancer, with optimists 25 percent less likely to have developed the disease. On the other hand women who suffered two or more traumatic events had a 62 percent increased risk of the disease.
While pharmaceutical drugs have seen a lot of innovation over the years, the researchers think that young women who have been exposed to a number of negative life events should be considered 'at-risk' for breast cancer and treated accordingly.
However, there's a possible pitfall that since the women were interviewed after their diagnosis, it could have made them recall negative events more readily. Also, recently, in a different study, the researchers had discovered that disclosing breast cancer diagnoses is itself quite a challenge.
Despite the skepticism the scientists believe that it's safe to say that experiencing more than one severe and/or mild to moderate life event raises a red flag of risk for breast cancer among young women. However, a general feeling of happiness and optimism may have protective effect.
Additionally, the mechanism by which the central nervous, hormonal and immune systems interact and how behavior and external events affect these three systems is not fully understood. And it needs more research to figure out these questions.
About the Author
Fred is a journalist with 7 years of experience. Though, as a professional he's reported on myriad topics, his favorites are the auto and the healthcare industry. Two platforms he's previously worked on are Themedica and Automotive-Online. He now blogs at: Smiling Health.
Self examination andsome little precaution can help u cut or reduce the rate of having a breast cancer.Prevention they say is far more better than cure,if you can prevent yourself from cancer infection why put your life at risk.The risk of getting breast cancer can be limited or even eradicated if you follows the unlisted point carefully.
1.Limit the rate of alcohol drinking if you have found the habit of drinking.From research,too much alcohol drinking pre day can lead to the formation of a hard mass of lump on your breast. It is usually irregular or jagged in side as opposed to smooth edges and could be cancerous tumor .If you have been seing this sysmpton,call your doctor and get a mammogram.
2. If you are not obese ,maintain your body weight but if you are overweight,loose your weight by employing weight loss diet plan and exercising your body at least 3 times a week.During the course of your exercise work to keep your baseline level for aminimumm of 20 continous minute.From research of TEXAS MD Anderson,cancer center in Houston,obese and over weight woman are more prone to dealth when infected with breast cancer and also due to their body nature,they can get mixed infection from other aggressive diesases.
3. Examine your breast everyday to make sure that no lump is present.You might catch a lump before a mammogram.Finding a lump in your breast may leave you in cold sweat but you dont have to panic cause it may be there due to the following reason. -If its a soft , smooth ,round lump that moves a little when press and also caused some pain when press,it can be small or large.If all this sympton in the lump u found in your breast,it could proberbly be a cyst or sacs ,filled with natural fluid as a result of hormonal changes around your period.You can contact your doctor for an ultrasound to see if the lump is filled with fluid or solid .If it is solid ,it is possibly to be cancerous but if it is liqiud,it can be drain by inserting a needle to drain off the fluid by your doctor.Proper medication can lower the incidence of cyst and pain. -Another thing you may notice can be fluid discharge from your nipples (milky).It could either be as a result of hormonal problem or obvious sign of pregnancy birth control pills or stimulation.Called the attention of your doctor and get its treated if its a hormonal problem. -During your self examination, you may notice a soft lump of about 1-5 inches wide,accompanies by tenderness in one or both breast before your period ,it could be fibrocystic changes that is caused by fluatuation in estrogen and progesterone..This sympton is usually present before menopause in evrywoman.Take pain killers such as ibuprofen to reduce pain or put on supportive bra,also try to reduce fat in your diet .Consult your doctor for proper medication if sympton persist. -you may also notice a hard round clearly defined lump which could be very small ,move arround the skin when touch.Probably be fibrodemomas caused by change in hormone levels .They usually occur during 40 years and abovein woman.If found get a mammogram and consult your doctor for proper medication
4. Have a mammogram once in year if you are above 40 years of age .early detection of tumour boosts the chance of survival signficantly inrespective of five year survival rate specified by expert.Examine yourself today. Posted by emmanuel. for more breast cancer articles find solution to your health problems log on to for any question concerning health issues Email me!.posted by Emmanuel.
About the Author
Emmanuel is a health reseacher base in the united state of america
1.Limit the rate of alcohol drinking if you have found the habit of drinking.From research,too much alcohol drinking pre day can lead to the formation of a hard mass of lump on your breast. It is usually irregular or jagged in side as opposed to smooth edges and could be cancerous tumor .If you have been seing this sysmpton,call your doctor and get a mammogram.
2. If you are not obese ,maintain your body weight but if you are overweight,loose your weight by employing weight loss diet plan and exercising your body at least 3 times a week.During the course of your exercise work to keep your baseline level for aminimumm of 20 continous minute.From research of TEXAS MD Anderson,cancer center in Houston,obese and over weight woman are more prone to dealth when infected with breast cancer and also due to their body nature,they can get mixed infection from other aggressive diesases.
3. Examine your breast everyday to make sure that no lump is present.You might catch a lump before a mammogram.Finding a lump in your breast may leave you in cold sweat but you dont have to panic cause it may be there due to the following reason. -If its a soft , smooth ,round lump that moves a little when press and also caused some pain when press,it can be small or large.If all this sympton in the lump u found in your breast,it could proberbly be a cyst or sacs ,filled with natural fluid as a result of hormonal changes around your period.You can contact your doctor for an ultrasound to see if the lump is filled with fluid or solid .If it is solid ,it is possibly to be cancerous but if it is liqiud,it can be drain by inserting a needle to drain off the fluid by your doctor.Proper medication can lower the incidence of cyst and pain. -Another thing you may notice can be fluid discharge from your nipples (milky).It could either be as a result of hormonal problem or obvious sign of pregnancy birth control pills or stimulation.Called the attention of your doctor and get its treated if its a hormonal problem. -During your self examination, you may notice a soft lump of about 1-5 inches wide,accompanies by tenderness in one or both breast before your period ,it could be fibrocystic changes that is caused by fluatuation in estrogen and progesterone..This sympton is usually present before menopause in evrywoman.Take pain killers such as ibuprofen to reduce pain or put on supportive bra,also try to reduce fat in your diet .Consult your doctor for proper medication if sympton persist. -you may also notice a hard round clearly defined lump which could be very small ,move arround the skin when touch.Probably be fibrodemomas caused by change in hormone levels .They usually occur during 40 years and abovein woman.If found get a mammogram and consult your doctor for proper medication
4. Have a mammogram once in year if you are above 40 years of age .early detection of tumour boosts the chance of survival signficantly inrespective of five year survival rate specified by expert.Examine yourself today. Posted by emmanuel. for more breast cancer articles find solution to your health problems log on to for any question concerning health issues Email me!.posted by Emmanuel.
About the Author
Emmanuel is a health reseacher base in the united state of america
Risk Of Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer - Causes and Treatment for Breast Cancer
Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed non-skin cancer in American women. An estimated 213,000 American women will be diagnosed with breast cancer in 2006. The risk of breast cancer increases as women get older. Over the years, researchers have identified certain characteristics, usually called risk factors, which influence a woman's chance of getting the disease. Still, many women who develop breast cancer have no known risk factors other than growing older, and many women with known risk factors do not develop breast cancer.
Breast cancer incidence is much higher in the Western world, whether in Europe or North America, than in third world countries. North American women have the highest incidence of breast cancer in the world. Among women in the U.S., breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second-most common cause of cancer death (after lung cancer). Women in the U.S. have a 1 in 8 (12.5%) lifetime chance of developing invasive breast cancer and a 1 in 35 (3%) chance of breast cancer causing their death.
Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their lives. Breast cancer kills more women in the United States than any cancer except lung cancer. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there a number of risk factors.
Causes of Breast Cancer
The genes in cells carry the hereditary information that is received from a person's parents. Hereditary breast cancer makes up approximately 5% to 10% of all breast cancer. Some altered genes related to breast cancer are more common in certain ethnic groups.
Researchers are now trying to discover whether a relationship exists between a person's genetic makeup and environmental factors that may increase the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer eventually may prove to have a number of causes.
Age at time of reproductive events -- During a woman's reproductive years, estrogen stimulates cells of the breast's glandular tissue to divide. The longer a woman is exposed to estrogen, the greater her risk for breast cancer. Estrogen exposure is increased if a woman began menstruating at or before 11 years of age, or if she experiences menopause at age 55 years or older.
Besides BRCA1 and BRCA2, there are other mutated genes that may make it easier for a person to get breast cancer. Scientists know about some of these genes, and they are working to identify others
Treatment for Breast Cancer
Surgery: Today, radical mastectomy is rarely performed. Instead, the majority of women are candidates for simple mastectomy or lumpectomy. If you decide on mastectomy, you may opt for breast reconstruction.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. The size of the tumor, characteristics of the cancer cells, and extent of spread of the cancer help determine your need for chemotherapy. If your cancer has a high chance of returning or spreading to another part of your body, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy after surgery to decrease the chance that the cancer will recur. This is known as adjuvant chemotherapy. If your cancer has already spread to other parts of your body, chemotherapy may be recommended to try to control the cancer and decrease any symptoms the cancer is causing.
Simple mastectomy: During a simple mastectomy, your surgeon removes all your breast tissue -- the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue and skin, including the nipple and areola. Depending on the results of the operation and follow-up tests, you may also need further treatment with radiation to the chest wall, chemotherapy or hormone therapy.
Cancers may be referred to as invasive if they have spread to other tissues. Those that do not spread to other tissues are called noninvasive. Carcinoma in situ is a noninvasive cancer.
About the Author
Peter Hutch
Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies. Also read about Hair Loss Treatments and Beauty and Makeup Tips
Breast cancer incidence is much higher in the Western world, whether in Europe or North America, than in third world countries. North American women have the highest incidence of breast cancer in the world. Among women in the U.S., breast cancer is the most common cancer and the second-most common cause of cancer death (after lung cancer). Women in the U.S. have a 1 in 8 (12.5%) lifetime chance of developing invasive breast cancer and a 1 in 35 (3%) chance of breast cancer causing their death.
Breast cancer affects one in eight women during their lives. Breast cancer kills more women in the United States than any cancer except lung cancer. No one knows why some women get breast cancer, but there a number of risk factors.
Causes of Breast Cancer
The genes in cells carry the hereditary information that is received from a person's parents. Hereditary breast cancer makes up approximately 5% to 10% of all breast cancer. Some altered genes related to breast cancer are more common in certain ethnic groups.
Researchers are now trying to discover whether a relationship exists between a person's genetic makeup and environmental factors that may increase the risk of breast cancer. Breast cancer eventually may prove to have a number of causes.
Age at time of reproductive events -- During a woman's reproductive years, estrogen stimulates cells of the breast's glandular tissue to divide. The longer a woman is exposed to estrogen, the greater her risk for breast cancer. Estrogen exposure is increased if a woman began menstruating at or before 11 years of age, or if she experiences menopause at age 55 years or older.
Besides BRCA1 and BRCA2, there are other mutated genes that may make it easier for a person to get breast cancer. Scientists know about some of these genes, and they are working to identify others
Treatment for Breast Cancer
Surgery: Today, radical mastectomy is rarely performed. Instead, the majority of women are candidates for simple mastectomy or lumpectomy. If you decide on mastectomy, you may opt for breast reconstruction.
Chemotherapy uses drugs to destroy cancer cells. The size of the tumor, characteristics of the cancer cells, and extent of spread of the cancer help determine your need for chemotherapy. If your cancer has a high chance of returning or spreading to another part of your body, your doctor may recommend chemotherapy after surgery to decrease the chance that the cancer will recur. This is known as adjuvant chemotherapy. If your cancer has already spread to other parts of your body, chemotherapy may be recommended to try to control the cancer and decrease any symptoms the cancer is causing.
Simple mastectomy: During a simple mastectomy, your surgeon removes all your breast tissue -- the lobules, ducts, fatty tissue and skin, including the nipple and areola. Depending on the results of the operation and follow-up tests, you may also need further treatment with radiation to the chest wall, chemotherapy or hormone therapy.
Cancers may be referred to as invasive if they have spread to other tissues. Those that do not spread to other tissues are called noninvasive. Carcinoma in situ is a noninvasive cancer.
About the Author
Peter Hutch
Read about Herbal Natural Home Remedies. Also read about Hair Loss Treatments and Beauty and Makeup Tips
Why women want to have Breast Implants
There are many reasons why women today want to have breast implants placed in their bodies. There are some reasons that are more complicated than others, but for any reason, women need to make sure that this is the right choice for them and for their mind. Not all women get the breast implants for their own reasons; some are pressured into looking bigger and more perfect.
There are certain pressures that are put upon women today and their body. There is a growing need for the society to insinuate that women should have perfect bodies and look the way that we think that they should. This belief over time will have a lasting affect on women and the way that they see their body. Many women want to have a perfect body, yet the cost of getting one, may be too much for anyone to handle.
Some women are just not happy with their chest and the way that they look. Many women want to have bigger and fuller breasts. They want to have the breast implant surgery so that they will feel and look better in their minds. This is a decision that they make on their own and a decision that they have though long and hard about.
Other women want to please their partner or society. These women go to great lengths to make they appear as perfect as they can. When a woman wants to impress or hang on to a spouse or partner, they may decide to go the whole way and have breast implants put in. These women have low self-esteem and would stop at nothing to make other people happy. For these women, many doctors may think twice about place implants in them because they are not doing it for their own satisfaction.
Many times women need and depend on their bodies for earning a paycheck. These women work in the entertainment or fashion world. Some women that work in the Las Vegas casinos and shows need to have larger breasts in order to play the parts. These women will stop at nothing to ensure that they have what it takes. Other women in the entertainment industry are dancers or even strippers and defiantly depend on their bodies for their jobs. Breast implants may be the only way to compete with the new and upcoming stars.
Other women need to have larger breasts because they are in the fashion industry. Some models want to have the bigger breasts so that they are chosen for the sexy spreads like lingerie shows and other important jobs.
Whatever the reasons, women need to be aware of all the physical and emotional problems that can result from breast implants. It has to be a decision that is thought out and organized. No one should ever get these implants to make someone else happy.
About the Author
Article written by Dagfinn Rognerud, Norway. More information at: and
There are certain pressures that are put upon women today and their body. There is a growing need for the society to insinuate that women should have perfect bodies and look the way that we think that they should. This belief over time will have a lasting affect on women and the way that they see their body. Many women want to have a perfect body, yet the cost of getting one, may be too much for anyone to handle.
Some women are just not happy with their chest and the way that they look. Many women want to have bigger and fuller breasts. They want to have the breast implant surgery so that they will feel and look better in their minds. This is a decision that they make on their own and a decision that they have though long and hard about.
Other women want to please their partner or society. These women go to great lengths to make they appear as perfect as they can. When a woman wants to impress or hang on to a spouse or partner, they may decide to go the whole way and have breast implants put in. These women have low self-esteem and would stop at nothing to make other people happy. For these women, many doctors may think twice about place implants in them because they are not doing it for their own satisfaction.
Many times women need and depend on their bodies for earning a paycheck. These women work in the entertainment or fashion world. Some women that work in the Las Vegas casinos and shows need to have larger breasts in order to play the parts. These women will stop at nothing to ensure that they have what it takes. Other women in the entertainment industry are dancers or even strippers and defiantly depend on their bodies for their jobs. Breast implants may be the only way to compete with the new and upcoming stars.
Other women need to have larger breasts because they are in the fashion industry. Some models want to have the bigger breasts so that they are chosen for the sexy spreads like lingerie shows and other important jobs.
Whatever the reasons, women need to be aware of all the physical and emotional problems that can result from breast implants. It has to be a decision that is thought out and organized. No one should ever get these implants to make someone else happy.
About the Author
Article written by Dagfinn Rognerud, Norway. More information at: and
bigger breasts,
have breast implants
How effective is Breast Exercises in Breast Enhancement?
Now you can turn the clock back by proper breast exercises...
The size of the breast is a very emotional issue for most women. The breast, being such an integral and sensitive part of the female image, affects greatly on a woman's self-esteem. Improper breast dimensions have a negative effect on a woman's perception of her femininity. However, with a little bit of dedication and exercising, it is now possible for you to develop firmer, larger, better-shaped, healthy breasts. Breasts are no exception and they respond to exercise similarly as the rest of our body.
Regular exercise of the breasts is an excellent therapy and promotes development in size, firms the breast tissue and increases the general health and fitness of the breast.
Benefits of breast exercise:
1. Part of daily overall health regime. Helps dissolve breast lumps, improves blood circulation.
2. Improvement of bust size. Enhances the shape of the breasts, and adds suppleness to the outer curve.
3. Upliftment of sagging breasts. Promotes general enlargement, improves the blood circulation as well as strength and suppleness to the lower curve.
4. Helps remove stretch marks.
5. Breast cancer leading to a mastectomy procedure is devastating to any woman, very often there are serious physical and psychological after effects. One can avoid this stage by doing regular and properly designed exercises targeted directly to the breast.
6. Promotes firming of breasts. Strengthens and enlarges the breast tissue, tubes and glands within the breast with improved blood circulation. Exercise promotes the natural development of the breasts.
7. Helps proper nipple development as it rectifies the problem of nipple development.
8. Helps develop breast towards the center of the chest, thus forming an attractive cleavage.
9. Helps in proper and healthy breast growth. Exercise forces blood to the forward area of the breast, enlarging, enhancing and developing a well-rounded breast.
10. It improves in blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, opens up the veins, arteries, blood vessels and glands, and assists in removing any build up of benign lumps.
11. Exercise helps strengthen pectoral and chest muscles. This prevents sagging in later years.
12. Breast enhancement exercises can also help lift the breast tissue, providing a firmer look and feel. How to do breast exercises?
Breast exercises are to be done on a daily basis, routinely, just like one brushes her teeth as a pert of daily regime. They are to be performed comfortably, and stopped if one feels any sort of pain. They should be done without weights, using the body's own resistance. Performing the breast exercises two to three times a week should help one achieve firmer, lifted breasts.
A woman can undertake breast exercises either on her own in the privacy of her home, or can join a gym or visit a therapist to take professional help.
Some effective breast exercises:
Exercise I.
1. Lie on the stomach, bend knees, and cross your ankles.
2. Bend elbows and place your palms on the floor.
3. Straighten your arms, and gradually lift your body balancing yourself on your palms and knees.
4. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
5. Tuck chin towards your chest so that forehead faces the floor. 6. Bend your elbows and gradually lower your body.
7. Push your back up. Be careful not to fasten your elbows while at the top position of the exercise.
Exercise II.
1. Lie on your back on a bench, with your feet on the floor.
2. Holding a weight in each hand with your palms facing inwards, extend your arms out away from your sides, until your elbows plunge just below your shoulders.
3. Raise the weights back up until your arms are nearly fully extended above your chest, with the weights an inch or two apart at the top.
Exercise III.
1. Press your palms together in front of your breasts. Hold for five seconds, relax and release.
2. Repeat ten times.
Exercise IV.
1. Clutch your forearms at shoulder level, and pull shoulders outward without letting go. 2. Repeat ten times.
All these exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home with the aid of any other trustworthy person. If you are lacking in will power or self-motivation, it is advised to join a gym as a better alternative.
Exercise will not only firm your breasts to produce a perception of a larger appearance, it will also help keep you fit. With a healthy body comes a healthy mind. You may become a more self-confident person. Keeping fit and getting those chest muscles tight can help stop premature breast sagging in later life.
About the Author
Read more about Natural Breast Enlargement techniques and other breast care issues at
Also Know How Breast Enlargement Products work? Read Complete Breast Care Guide
The size of the breast is a very emotional issue for most women. The breast, being such an integral and sensitive part of the female image, affects greatly on a woman's self-esteem. Improper breast dimensions have a negative effect on a woman's perception of her femininity. However, with a little bit of dedication and exercising, it is now possible for you to develop firmer, larger, better-shaped, healthy breasts. Breasts are no exception and they respond to exercise similarly as the rest of our body.
Regular exercise of the breasts is an excellent therapy and promotes development in size, firms the breast tissue and increases the general health and fitness of the breast.
Benefits of breast exercise:
1. Part of daily overall health regime. Helps dissolve breast lumps, improves blood circulation.
2. Improvement of bust size. Enhances the shape of the breasts, and adds suppleness to the outer curve.
3. Upliftment of sagging breasts. Promotes general enlargement, improves the blood circulation as well as strength and suppleness to the lower curve.
4. Helps remove stretch marks.
5. Breast cancer leading to a mastectomy procedure is devastating to any woman, very often there are serious physical and psychological after effects. One can avoid this stage by doing regular and properly designed exercises targeted directly to the breast.
6. Promotes firming of breasts. Strengthens and enlarges the breast tissue, tubes and glands within the breast with improved blood circulation. Exercise promotes the natural development of the breasts.
7. Helps proper nipple development as it rectifies the problem of nipple development.
8. Helps develop breast towards the center of the chest, thus forming an attractive cleavage.
9. Helps in proper and healthy breast growth. Exercise forces blood to the forward area of the breast, enlarging, enhancing and developing a well-rounded breast.
10. It improves in blood circulation, lymphatic drainage, opens up the veins, arteries, blood vessels and glands, and assists in removing any build up of benign lumps.
11. Exercise helps strengthen pectoral and chest muscles. This prevents sagging in later years.
12. Breast enhancement exercises can also help lift the breast tissue, providing a firmer look and feel. How to do breast exercises?
Breast exercises are to be done on a daily basis, routinely, just like one brushes her teeth as a pert of daily regime. They are to be performed comfortably, and stopped if one feels any sort of pain. They should be done without weights, using the body's own resistance. Performing the breast exercises two to three times a week should help one achieve firmer, lifted breasts.
A woman can undertake breast exercises either on her own in the privacy of her home, or can join a gym or visit a therapist to take professional help.
Some effective breast exercises:
Exercise I.
1. Lie on the stomach, bend knees, and cross your ankles.
2. Bend elbows and place your palms on the floor.
3. Straighten your arms, and gradually lift your body balancing yourself on your palms and knees.
4. Tighten your abdominal muscles.
5. Tuck chin towards your chest so that forehead faces the floor. 6. Bend your elbows and gradually lower your body.
7. Push your back up. Be careful not to fasten your elbows while at the top position of the exercise.
Exercise II.
1. Lie on your back on a bench, with your feet on the floor.
2. Holding a weight in each hand with your palms facing inwards, extend your arms out away from your sides, until your elbows plunge just below your shoulders.
3. Raise the weights back up until your arms are nearly fully extended above your chest, with the weights an inch or two apart at the top.
Exercise III.
1. Press your palms together in front of your breasts. Hold for five seconds, relax and release.
2. Repeat ten times.
Exercise IV.
1. Clutch your forearms at shoulder level, and pull shoulders outward without letting go. 2. Repeat ten times.
All these exercises can be performed in the comfort of your own home with the aid of any other trustworthy person. If you are lacking in will power or self-motivation, it is advised to join a gym as a better alternative.
Exercise will not only firm your breasts to produce a perception of a larger appearance, it will also help keep you fit. With a healthy body comes a healthy mind. You may become a more self-confident person. Keeping fit and getting those chest muscles tight can help stop premature breast sagging in later life.
About the Author
Read more about Natural Breast Enlargement techniques and other breast care issues at
Also Know How Breast Enlargement Products work? Read Complete Breast Care Guide
Breast Enhancement,
Breast Exercises
Natural Ways to Increase Breast Size for Amazing Results
Thousands of women look for natural ways to increase their breast size every day. There are many things you can do that work, but the best results will be seen by using a combination of all of these methods. If surgical breast implants are not what you desire, the following tips will tell you how to increase your breast size the natural way!
While doing exercise won't actually make your breasts bigger, it WILL firm and lift the breasts, giving you a much fuller look and more cleavage. One of the best exercises to enhance breasts are push-ups, along with chest flys using 8 or 10 pound dumbells. To do chest flys, lie on your back on the floor, arms straight out to the sides from your shoulders, palms facing up with weights in hand. Raise the arms straight up above your chest, toward the ceiling. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
Breast Massage and Creams
One of the best natural ways to increase breast size is by using an all natural breast cream combined with daily massage. The breast creams available today are totally safe and natural. Most contain herbal ingredients that are plant-derived, and when massaged into the breasts produce an estrogen like substance that stimulate the mammary glands and breast tissue for increased growth and firmness.
Breast Enhancement Pills
Todays natural breast enlargement pills are not comparable to the pills of a decade ago that didn't produce many results. These pills are extremely effective, and contain all natural herbal ingredients like wild yam, fenugreek seed, and dong quai. Most pills contain 10 or 12 different herbal ingredients that are completely natural and safe to use. Combined with breast creams, you will achieve the optimum results in breast growth and firmness.
These are the most effective natural ways to increase breast size. By combining these methods in a daily regimen, you will see a very noticeable increase in your breast size in just a few short months!
About the Author
The most successful product to increase breast size naturally is Breast Actives. Used by millions of women to achieve fuller breasts, it's backed by an iron-clad guarantee! For details, visit Flat to Fab
While doing exercise won't actually make your breasts bigger, it WILL firm and lift the breasts, giving you a much fuller look and more cleavage. One of the best exercises to enhance breasts are push-ups, along with chest flys using 8 or 10 pound dumbells. To do chest flys, lie on your back on the floor, arms straight out to the sides from your shoulders, palms facing up with weights in hand. Raise the arms straight up above your chest, toward the ceiling. Do 3 sets of 12 repetitions.
Breast Massage and Creams
One of the best natural ways to increase breast size is by using an all natural breast cream combined with daily massage. The breast creams available today are totally safe and natural. Most contain herbal ingredients that are plant-derived, and when massaged into the breasts produce an estrogen like substance that stimulate the mammary glands and breast tissue for increased growth and firmness.
Breast Enhancement Pills
Todays natural breast enlargement pills are not comparable to the pills of a decade ago that didn't produce many results. These pills are extremely effective, and contain all natural herbal ingredients like wild yam, fenugreek seed, and dong quai. Most pills contain 10 or 12 different herbal ingredients that are completely natural and safe to use. Combined with breast creams, you will achieve the optimum results in breast growth and firmness.
These are the most effective natural ways to increase breast size. By combining these methods in a daily regimen, you will see a very noticeable increase in your breast size in just a few short months!
About the Author
The most successful product to increase breast size naturally is Breast Actives. Used by millions of women to achieve fuller breasts, it's backed by an iron-clad guarantee! For details, visit Flat to Fab
Breast Implants,
Increase Breast Size
Breast Enlargement Procedures Breast Enlargement Hypnosis
Before we begin, lets discuss what we hope you will learn through this article. Then we can begin to piece it together for you.
Many women are sorrowful with their bodies after giving birth. We've all seen photos of celebrities who snapped back after childbirth to their original push thin shape, seemingly within weeks. However, it's sensible to keep in heed that, for these women, their bodies are their bread and butter. For the mode lady who machinery in an office, prepare or firm, or who stays home with her children, snapping back after childbirth isn't such a priority.
However, changes to her body can still leave a lady such as this feeling depressed. After giving birth, a lady may have weight she just can't appear to lose. She may have stretch marks. She might have baggy or scarred breasts. The same breasts that became so large, detailed and scenic during pregnancy are now sagging, small and misshapen. For women who breast feed, the fallout can be even more devastating.
If you are sorrowful with your breasts, you have many options available to you. The most obvious is surgery, but I would advise against it. Surgery is posh and risky. Its fallout are regularly unnatural looking. Many women have to tolerate multiple surgeries due to leaking or ruptured implants. While the surgery is improving all the time, I would still ponder it only after exhausting your other avenues.
For the rest of this article, we will discuss the meaning behind what we have learned about this subject so far.
These avenues contain breast pills and creams. Pills can be surprisingly effective. Many women have gone up a cup mass or two by winning these pills, which consist of estrogen derived from plants. Other women use pumps, although these are normally considered to be a devastate of time and money. Finally, some women attack to hypnosis to enlarge their breasts. although the assert seems remarkable, prominent hypnotist David Landau offers audio tapes designed to mount the breast mass through hypnosis.
Share the information that you have learned with your friends and family. They will be impressed by your knowledge and happy to learn something new.
About the Author
Anchalee Saechin is the webmaster of the natural breast enlargement, enhancement and healthcare product review at
Many women are sorrowful with their bodies after giving birth. We've all seen photos of celebrities who snapped back after childbirth to their original push thin shape, seemingly within weeks. However, it's sensible to keep in heed that, for these women, their bodies are their bread and butter. For the mode lady who machinery in an office, prepare or firm, or who stays home with her children, snapping back after childbirth isn't such a priority.
However, changes to her body can still leave a lady such as this feeling depressed. After giving birth, a lady may have weight she just can't appear to lose. She may have stretch marks. She might have baggy or scarred breasts. The same breasts that became so large, detailed and scenic during pregnancy are now sagging, small and misshapen. For women who breast feed, the fallout can be even more devastating.
If you are sorrowful with your breasts, you have many options available to you. The most obvious is surgery, but I would advise against it. Surgery is posh and risky. Its fallout are regularly unnatural looking. Many women have to tolerate multiple surgeries due to leaking or ruptured implants. While the surgery is improving all the time, I would still ponder it only after exhausting your other avenues.
For the rest of this article, we will discuss the meaning behind what we have learned about this subject so far.
These avenues contain breast pills and creams. Pills can be surprisingly effective. Many women have gone up a cup mass or two by winning these pills, which consist of estrogen derived from plants. Other women use pumps, although these are normally considered to be a devastate of time and money. Finally, some women attack to hypnosis to enlarge their breasts. although the assert seems remarkable, prominent hypnotist David Landau offers audio tapes designed to mount the breast mass through hypnosis.
Share the information that you have learned with your friends and family. They will be impressed by your knowledge and happy to learn something new.
About the Author
Anchalee Saechin is the webmaster of the natural breast enlargement, enhancement and healthcare product review at
Breast Enlargement Hypnosis
Breast Implant Surgery (by Wolf Krammel)
Breast implant surgery can improve the size and shape of your breast. The development of the surgical procedure and breast-implant technology has become more advanced, which provides better post-surgical results than years ago. This procedure may be combined with a breast lift to give a fully satisfactory result. Breast implants are placed in the breast in one of three different ways:
-Sub glandular implant placement -Sub muscular implant placement -Complete sub muscular implant placement
These placements varied from shallow (sub muscular) to deep (complete sub muscular) the best possible implant location depends on the size of the breast implants, anatomy and other factors related to your objectives and expectations. Breast implant surgery provides you more control over your size, shape, and profile. It can also improve your appearance after giving birth or child bearing, and also restores your youthful appearance. Keep in mind that sagging breast require a lift, which can be performed with or without implant.
Additionally, breast implant comes in many variations including
- Implant exterior: smooth or textured implant - Form: round or shaped implant - Profile: how distant the implant can extend beyond - Implant size or volume: 120 to 850 CC - Implant material: silicone or saline
The type of breast implant you choose is based on your profile and increased-size goals, as well as other individual and anatomical factors. For an instance, if you want to restore your breast to pre-pregnancy or pre-breast feeding appearance, you need to undergo breast lift to treat the sagging appearance or improve the size of the genetically smaller breasts.
The surface of the implant is also important for so many reasons. Implant with textured surface was designed to lessen the chance of capsular contraction. However, textured implant is more likely to be visible through the skin, depending on the implant placement. The profile, shape and volume of the implant should be selected based on your breast-line goals. These factors are also affected by the implant placement. Choosing the right implant for you may be overwhelming particularly when considering the above mentioned factors. However, there are some ways on how to begin putting the pieces together:
The implant anatomy fills you in on choices of materials. You must also understand the main types of implant materials (silicon and saline). You must know that the implant location work better for certain situation.
After identifying the factors that may vary in deciding to have a breast implant surgery, now you should know how to recover from this type of surgical procedure. This type of surgery needs long recovery period for patients; the recovery time can be varied from a couple of days to few weeks depending on the condition and elasticity of the skin. Once the initial healing phase is over, there are still limitations you need to know about. You must plan to take a few days off from work or school to recuperate. Read on to understand how to recover from breast implant surgery.
Things you need to do to achieve fast recovery
Set out fluffy pillows to increase your comfort level, elevate your torso to reduce swelling. Place water and snacks beside your bed because Anesthesia used during implant surgery may cause nausea or stomach discomfort. Water and snacks will help to relieve the pain and settle your stomach. Prepare your medication and placed them near your bed. You may ask the assistance of your family or friends to care for your children while you recover. Take a lot of rest and limit your movement for the first few days after your surgery.
Prepare ice packs to manage swelling. If you have frozen packages of fruit, they may also prove useful for reducing pain and discomfort. Buy comfortable over-sized shirts that button in front. Getting your arms in a shirt and pulling it over your head will be impossible the day after surgery. You can start massaging your breast as early as possible to prevent encapsulation or hardening of the scar tissue. You don't have to worry because your surgeon will teach you self-massage techniques that are safe to perform with your breast implants. Always wear your post-surgical bra until your surgeon has seen your incisions. He will tell you whether your recovery is progressing as expected. The doctor will also advise you when it is fine to stop wearing the bra. You must avoid lifting heavy objects until you see your physician. The strain of weight on your incision can cause tearing or popping of the stitches. Check if you have post-operative fever because this could be an indication that you might have an infection after the surgery.
Warning after breast implant surgery
You should do research after care treatment facilities if you have enough budget for this. These comfortable accommodations are sometimes handled by nursing professional trained to check infection.
Side effects of breast implant surgery
Breast implants may hinder with breast feeding though many women have successfully breast feed after the surgery. It is advisable that you tell your plastic surgeon about your plan to breast feed after your surgery.
Another side effect of breast implant surgery is that it may impede breast cancer detection. During X-ray, mammography, or ultrasound the implants could cover suspicious lesions or tumor. Professional health care giver must take special care of breast-implant patients throughout breast exams. Further views are needed, which take additional time for imaging. When you make a mammography appointment, tell the receptionist about the implants so they can schedule the extra time. Moreover, breast implant surgery may also cause Loss of Sensation. After breast surgery, some implant patients experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast area. Loss of sensation is due to damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This might be temporary, but it can be permanent. The surgical technique can play a role in this complication. Your surgeon can determine the most appropriate implant and surgical technique to lessen loss of sensation. No implant will last forever. Implants can break or rupture, resulting deflation. Some ruptures are due to natural aging of the implant, too much compression to the breast, or trauma to the breast. The common effect is changed in the size and shape of the breast. Based on the size of the rupture, changes in breast appearance can occur over a few days or over a very long period of time.
Mammography sometimes adds pressure to the breast implant enough to cause rupture. So, Technicians must be careful in doing mammography to confirm that there is no too much pressure set on the breasts.
Before you have surgery, discuss possible side effects with a plastic surgeon that is skilled in breast implant surgery. Choosing the right plastic surgeon, following pre and postoperative instructions, and setting realistic expectations for your implant size and shape, can help you avoid side effects.
About the Author
Wolf Krammel is an Online Social Media Marketing Expert, building customized Organic Social Media Systems like that help small business owners present themselves as the expert in their industry! Learn more at:
-Sub glandular implant placement -Sub muscular implant placement -Complete sub muscular implant placement
These placements varied from shallow (sub muscular) to deep (complete sub muscular) the best possible implant location depends on the size of the breast implants, anatomy and other factors related to your objectives and expectations. Breast implant surgery provides you more control over your size, shape, and profile. It can also improve your appearance after giving birth or child bearing, and also restores your youthful appearance. Keep in mind that sagging breast require a lift, which can be performed with or without implant.
Additionally, breast implant comes in many variations including
- Implant exterior: smooth or textured implant - Form: round or shaped implant - Profile: how distant the implant can extend beyond - Implant size or volume: 120 to 850 CC - Implant material: silicone or saline
The type of breast implant you choose is based on your profile and increased-size goals, as well as other individual and anatomical factors. For an instance, if you want to restore your breast to pre-pregnancy or pre-breast feeding appearance, you need to undergo breast lift to treat the sagging appearance or improve the size of the genetically smaller breasts.
The surface of the implant is also important for so many reasons. Implant with textured surface was designed to lessen the chance of capsular contraction. However, textured implant is more likely to be visible through the skin, depending on the implant placement. The profile, shape and volume of the implant should be selected based on your breast-line goals. These factors are also affected by the implant placement. Choosing the right implant for you may be overwhelming particularly when considering the above mentioned factors. However, there are some ways on how to begin putting the pieces together:
The implant anatomy fills you in on choices of materials. You must also understand the main types of implant materials (silicon and saline). You must know that the implant location work better for certain situation.
After identifying the factors that may vary in deciding to have a breast implant surgery, now you should know how to recover from this type of surgical procedure. This type of surgery needs long recovery period for patients; the recovery time can be varied from a couple of days to few weeks depending on the condition and elasticity of the skin. Once the initial healing phase is over, there are still limitations you need to know about. You must plan to take a few days off from work or school to recuperate. Read on to understand how to recover from breast implant surgery.
Things you need to do to achieve fast recovery
Set out fluffy pillows to increase your comfort level, elevate your torso to reduce swelling. Place water and snacks beside your bed because Anesthesia used during implant surgery may cause nausea or stomach discomfort. Water and snacks will help to relieve the pain and settle your stomach. Prepare your medication and placed them near your bed. You may ask the assistance of your family or friends to care for your children while you recover. Take a lot of rest and limit your movement for the first few days after your surgery.
Prepare ice packs to manage swelling. If you have frozen packages of fruit, they may also prove useful for reducing pain and discomfort. Buy comfortable over-sized shirts that button in front. Getting your arms in a shirt and pulling it over your head will be impossible the day after surgery. You can start massaging your breast as early as possible to prevent encapsulation or hardening of the scar tissue. You don't have to worry because your surgeon will teach you self-massage techniques that are safe to perform with your breast implants. Always wear your post-surgical bra until your surgeon has seen your incisions. He will tell you whether your recovery is progressing as expected. The doctor will also advise you when it is fine to stop wearing the bra. You must avoid lifting heavy objects until you see your physician. The strain of weight on your incision can cause tearing or popping of the stitches. Check if you have post-operative fever because this could be an indication that you might have an infection after the surgery.
Warning after breast implant surgery
You should do research after care treatment facilities if you have enough budget for this. These comfortable accommodations are sometimes handled by nursing professional trained to check infection.
Side effects of breast implant surgery
Breast implants may hinder with breast feeding though many women have successfully breast feed after the surgery. It is advisable that you tell your plastic surgeon about your plan to breast feed after your surgery.
Another side effect of breast implant surgery is that it may impede breast cancer detection. During X-ray, mammography, or ultrasound the implants could cover suspicious lesions or tumor. Professional health care giver must take special care of breast-implant patients throughout breast exams. Further views are needed, which take additional time for imaging. When you make a mammography appointment, tell the receptionist about the implants so they can schedule the extra time. Moreover, breast implant surgery may also cause Loss of Sensation. After breast surgery, some implant patients experience loss of sensation in the nipple and breast area. Loss of sensation is due to damage to nerve endings in the breast and nipple. This might be temporary, but it can be permanent. The surgical technique can play a role in this complication. Your surgeon can determine the most appropriate implant and surgical technique to lessen loss of sensation. No implant will last forever. Implants can break or rupture, resulting deflation. Some ruptures are due to natural aging of the implant, too much compression to the breast, or trauma to the breast. The common effect is changed in the size and shape of the breast. Based on the size of the rupture, changes in breast appearance can occur over a few days or over a very long period of time.
Mammography sometimes adds pressure to the breast implant enough to cause rupture. So, Technicians must be careful in doing mammography to confirm that there is no too much pressure set on the breasts.
Before you have surgery, discuss possible side effects with a plastic surgeon that is skilled in breast implant surgery. Choosing the right plastic surgeon, following pre and postoperative instructions, and setting realistic expectations for your implant size and shape, can help you avoid side effects.
About the Author
Wolf Krammel is an Online Social Media Marketing Expert, building customized Organic Social Media Systems like that help small business owners present themselves as the expert in their industry! Learn more at:
Finding the Right Breast Growth Pills for You
Admit it. Nowadays, it is a necessity for most women to have their breasts looking full. Although some society don't really bother much about the issue, women generally feel blessed if they are gifted with plump breasts and feel a little embarrassed if they belong to the flat-chested group. Hence, the advent of a lot of means and ways of improving how one breasts look and feel. These methods may include some diets, medication, exercises, and lately, surgery. And yes, most of the time, these means may not seem too friendly with one pocket. But of course, nothing should be too expensive when it comes to feeding one vanity.
Breast enhancement pill is an alternative for women who are considering having their breast improved other than breast implants and other forms of breast augmentation. Breast enlargement is public knowledge. Almost all women who are not properly endowed are desiring to have a fuller breast to fill up their bras. And almost all women who need breast enhancement would go for the pill. This is one they believed will not have the risk, pain stress or recovery time that is ordinarily linked with breast surgery.
The breast enhancement pill works by energizing the growth of breast tissue at the same time tightening and firming the breast area. But enhancement pills that contain no synthetic compounds and artificial additives are safe and effective alternative to breast surgery.
Understanding how the pill works will make using it easy and safe. This will most likely resolve the disappointing aftermath of not being able to understand why and how to take the breast enhancement pill.
There are breast development pills that are all natural. And by the sound of it, may have lesser side effects. This helps women overcome their breast size and lactation problems. The breast growth pills provide a non-surgical solution to reaching fuller and firmer woman breast. Breast enhancement pills that mostly contain a balanced combination of safe, herbal ingredients are ideal.
Be on the look out for breast growth pills that are exactly balance the hormonal levels in the female body. Pills that have an all natural herbal supplement formulation to naturally increase the size, shape and firmness of women breast.
But with all the proclamations of the wonderful workings of the breast enhancement pills, there is still to know more about their side effects if any and how they work. Be wary of the fine prints in the packaging. If there are guidelines, follow them to the letter. It pays to be mindful of what the manufacturer have to say whether they are true or not.
The breast enhancement pills with an all natural ingredients are having a feast in the market. There is a huge array of selection. But beware because there are also cheap imitations which would make your breast enlarge the first time but goes back to its normal shape the last time.
Make sure though that breast growth pills are just the right one for you. Having a complete medical check up with a qualified medical provider can help. Otherwise make the most of what you got.
About the Author
Breast enlargement is public knowledge. Almost all women who are not properly endowed are desiring to have a fuller breast to fill up their bras. Brow online resource for breast enlargement.
Breast enhancement pill is an alternative for women who are considering having their breast improved other than breast implants and other forms of breast augmentation. Breast enlargement is public knowledge. Almost all women who are not properly endowed are desiring to have a fuller breast to fill up their bras. And almost all women who need breast enhancement would go for the pill. This is one they believed will not have the risk, pain stress or recovery time that is ordinarily linked with breast surgery.
The breast enhancement pill works by energizing the growth of breast tissue at the same time tightening and firming the breast area. But enhancement pills that contain no synthetic compounds and artificial additives are safe and effective alternative to breast surgery.
Understanding how the pill works will make using it easy and safe. This will most likely resolve the disappointing aftermath of not being able to understand why and how to take the breast enhancement pill.
There are breast development pills that are all natural. And by the sound of it, may have lesser side effects. This helps women overcome their breast size and lactation problems. The breast growth pills provide a non-surgical solution to reaching fuller and firmer woman breast. Breast enhancement pills that mostly contain a balanced combination of safe, herbal ingredients are ideal.
Be on the look out for breast growth pills that are exactly balance the hormonal levels in the female body. Pills that have an all natural herbal supplement formulation to naturally increase the size, shape and firmness of women breast.
But with all the proclamations of the wonderful workings of the breast enhancement pills, there is still to know more about their side effects if any and how they work. Be wary of the fine prints in the packaging. If there are guidelines, follow them to the letter. It pays to be mindful of what the manufacturer have to say whether they are true or not.
The breast enhancement pills with an all natural ingredients are having a feast in the market. There is a huge array of selection. But beware because there are also cheap imitations which would make your breast enlarge the first time but goes back to its normal shape the last time.
Make sure though that breast growth pills are just the right one for you. Having a complete medical check up with a qualified medical provider can help. Otherwise make the most of what you got.
About the Author
Breast enlargement is public knowledge. Almost all women who are not properly endowed are desiring to have a fuller breast to fill up their bras. Brow online resource for breast enlargement.
Are Silicone Breast Enhancements Dangerous for Women?
If you are considering breast augmentation or reconstruction then you may well ask, are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women There is no short answer to this question.
The FDA originally banned the use of silicone gel-filled enhancements due to the lack of scientific evidence of their safe use and the health risks associated with leakage into the surrounding body tissue. Are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women now that the ban has been dropped? You need to look at the medical procedure involved and the types of enhancements used in order to better understand the possible problems. All surgery has a certain level of risk and your surgeons' job is to assist you in coming to the right decision regarding your unique circumstances. Each doctor has their own preferred methodology and opinion based on years of study and experience.
Your safety is always the overriding concern of any doctor. It is wise to consult your national society of plastic surgeons for a list of reputable surgeons in the area. Before making a decision, select a number of surgeons to visit and assess whether you are happy with them. Ask for references and speak to them. The risks associated with breast augmentation surgery are best discussed with your doctor before embarking on this invasive procedure. Your surgeon should answer all your questions fully and take the time to explain the risks involved. Some of the questions you should ask are covered in the rest of this article.
The main area of concern is the integrity of the implant and it's longevity. Saline and silicone-filled enhancements can rupture and leak into the surrounding tissue. The enhancements may be distorted by scar-tissue that hardens around them, resulting in what is known as capsular contracture. There may be ongoing pain in one or both breasts as well as a reduction in nipple and breast sensation. You might also need more than one surgery to correct possible problems. An implant is not a lifelong product. There is a very good chance that you will require additional surgery later in life to remove or replace the enhancements. Are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women who are undergoing reconstructive surgery? The FDA says no! They have approved the use of silicone gel-filled enhancements for women undergoing reconstructive surgery and for women aged 22 and older for breast augmentation. Saline-filled enhancements are approved for women of 18 years and older.
So what are the risks associated with saline-filled enhancements? The risks are very similar to silicone gel-filled enhancements. The FDA has ruled that the risks associated with silicone gel leaking into your body pose no threat as there is no evidence to support this assertion. The FDA requires however, that the companies manufacturing silicone gel enhancements conduct ongoing follow-up tests. These post operative studies will investigate further the safety of the enhancements.
Further concerns have been raised by scientists connected with the manufacturers. Especially the extent of the testing conducted on the silicone gel-filled enhancements. There have also been concerns raised regarding the life span of the devices. It is suggested that the larger the implant the shorter the life span and thus a greater risk of rupture and leakage. There is also a question on the issue of toxicity of platinum in the implant shell. In light of the scientific questions raised, you would be forgiven for wondering are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women? Although the FDA has given the go ahead, the fact remains that ongoing studies are being undertaken to test the safety of the silicone gel filled enhancements currently being used.
About the Author
Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeon practices and information.
The FDA originally banned the use of silicone gel-filled enhancements due to the lack of scientific evidence of their safe use and the health risks associated with leakage into the surrounding body tissue. Are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women now that the ban has been dropped? You need to look at the medical procedure involved and the types of enhancements used in order to better understand the possible problems. All surgery has a certain level of risk and your surgeons' job is to assist you in coming to the right decision regarding your unique circumstances. Each doctor has their own preferred methodology and opinion based on years of study and experience.
Your safety is always the overriding concern of any doctor. It is wise to consult your national society of plastic surgeons for a list of reputable surgeons in the area. Before making a decision, select a number of surgeons to visit and assess whether you are happy with them. Ask for references and speak to them. The risks associated with breast augmentation surgery are best discussed with your doctor before embarking on this invasive procedure. Your surgeon should answer all your questions fully and take the time to explain the risks involved. Some of the questions you should ask are covered in the rest of this article.
The main area of concern is the integrity of the implant and it's longevity. Saline and silicone-filled enhancements can rupture and leak into the surrounding tissue. The enhancements may be distorted by scar-tissue that hardens around them, resulting in what is known as capsular contracture. There may be ongoing pain in one or both breasts as well as a reduction in nipple and breast sensation. You might also need more than one surgery to correct possible problems. An implant is not a lifelong product. There is a very good chance that you will require additional surgery later in life to remove or replace the enhancements. Are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women who are undergoing reconstructive surgery? The FDA says no! They have approved the use of silicone gel-filled enhancements for women undergoing reconstructive surgery and for women aged 22 and older for breast augmentation. Saline-filled enhancements are approved for women of 18 years and older.
So what are the risks associated with saline-filled enhancements? The risks are very similar to silicone gel-filled enhancements. The FDA has ruled that the risks associated with silicone gel leaking into your body pose no threat as there is no evidence to support this assertion. The FDA requires however, that the companies manufacturing silicone gel enhancements conduct ongoing follow-up tests. These post operative studies will investigate further the safety of the enhancements.
Further concerns have been raised by scientists connected with the manufacturers. Especially the extent of the testing conducted on the silicone gel-filled enhancements. There have also been concerns raised regarding the life span of the devices. It is suggested that the larger the implant the shorter the life span and thus a greater risk of rupture and leakage. There is also a question on the issue of toxicity of platinum in the implant shell. In light of the scientific questions raised, you would be forgiven for wondering are silicone breast enhancements dangerous for women? Although the FDA has given the go ahead, the fact remains that ongoing studies are being undertaken to test the safety of the silicone gel filled enhancements currently being used.
About the Author
Ricardo de Silva is with - a directory of plastic surgeon practices and information.
Breast Implants Post Surgical Massage
After breast augmentation, many women become concerned about developing complications such as capsular contracture and implant shifting. It is not always known why some women develop these complications and others do not, but a safe and simple way that may help prevent problems is by routinely practicing post surgical breast massage.
Capsular contracture is not common, but the reasons for its occurrence are largely unknown, which means any woman can be considered susceptible. Capsular contracture is an extreme reaction to a foreign substance that is placed in the body. In a successful breast augmentation, the tissue around the breast implant will form scar tissue inside the body that will be invisible on the skin's surface. When Capsular contracture occurs, the scar tissue squeezes too tightly around the breast implant, visibly pinching the skin that surrounds it.
The condition of capsular contraction can range from mild to severe. In mild cases, the skin may only appear tight in a few areas around one or both breasts, or may only be visible upon close inspection. Women with more extreme forms will find that their breasts look tightly squeezed and will feel physical discomfort that can spread all the way into their underarms. Although not a life-threatening problem, it often causes emotional distress.
Many plastic surgeons believe that post operative breast massage can successfully eliminate or reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Not all surgeons will recommend this treatment and it's best to consult with your own before attempting on your own. It is generally recommended only to women who have used smooth breast implants.
During breast massage, you'll be gently shifting the implant around in the pocket created for it during surgery. By moving the pocket, you're helping it to remain open, preventing scar tissue from constricting too tightly around it. All you do is squeeze the implant and try your best to move it around within the pocket. Actually compressing the implant softly with your hands is also a common method. You should be able to move it up and down as well as to both sides of the breast.
You should wait to begin massages for a few days after your surgery. At first you will still have bruising, swelling, and tenderness, so be gentle. The technique is normally performed once every few hours. Some surgeons believe continuing massage throughout the lifetime of your breast implants is necessary; others may give you a shorter time frame. It is best to follow your surgeon's specific directions.
Even with post operative breast implant massage, risks and complications can occur at any time. It is important to follow all of your surgeon's directions and to immediately report any suspicious conditions. If capsular contracture does occur, the only solution is a revision breast augmentation or complete implant removal. And even with revision, capsular contracture can return. Before committing to any cosmetic procedure, be informed and aware of all possible health risks and choose a skilled surgeon.
About the Author
For women in Baltimore, breast enhancement is a great way to improve overall appearance and self-image. At Cosmetic Surgery Center of Maryland, they can consult a surgeon on post surgery breast massages.
Capsular contracture is not common, but the reasons for its occurrence are largely unknown, which means any woman can be considered susceptible. Capsular contracture is an extreme reaction to a foreign substance that is placed in the body. In a successful breast augmentation, the tissue around the breast implant will form scar tissue inside the body that will be invisible on the skin's surface. When Capsular contracture occurs, the scar tissue squeezes too tightly around the breast implant, visibly pinching the skin that surrounds it.
The condition of capsular contraction can range from mild to severe. In mild cases, the skin may only appear tight in a few areas around one or both breasts, or may only be visible upon close inspection. Women with more extreme forms will find that their breasts look tightly squeezed and will feel physical discomfort that can spread all the way into their underarms. Although not a life-threatening problem, it often causes emotional distress.
Many plastic surgeons believe that post operative breast massage can successfully eliminate or reduce the risk of capsular contracture. Not all surgeons will recommend this treatment and it's best to consult with your own before attempting on your own. It is generally recommended only to women who have used smooth breast implants.
During breast massage, you'll be gently shifting the implant around in the pocket created for it during surgery. By moving the pocket, you're helping it to remain open, preventing scar tissue from constricting too tightly around it. All you do is squeeze the implant and try your best to move it around within the pocket. Actually compressing the implant softly with your hands is also a common method. You should be able to move it up and down as well as to both sides of the breast.
You should wait to begin massages for a few days after your surgery. At first you will still have bruising, swelling, and tenderness, so be gentle. The technique is normally performed once every few hours. Some surgeons believe continuing massage throughout the lifetime of your breast implants is necessary; others may give you a shorter time frame. It is best to follow your surgeon's specific directions.
Even with post operative breast implant massage, risks and complications can occur at any time. It is important to follow all of your surgeon's directions and to immediately report any suspicious conditions. If capsular contracture does occur, the only solution is a revision breast augmentation or complete implant removal. And even with revision, capsular contracture can return. Before committing to any cosmetic procedure, be informed and aware of all possible health risks and choose a skilled surgeon.
About the Author
For women in Baltimore, breast enhancement is a great way to improve overall appearance and self-image. At Cosmetic Surgery Center of Maryland, they can consult a surgeon on post surgery breast massages.
Breast Augmentation,
breast implant
What To Look Forward To After Having Breast Implants
Nowadays, women know what they want. They will stop at nothing to achieve their goals and reach for their dreams. Not even physical imperfections or genetic problems can prevent them from getting the body that they want or the look that they long for.
Aside from liposuction, one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures that women get is breast enhancement. In fact, getting breast implants is becoming more popular and commonplace these days. According to figures from ASAPS, or the American Society for Aesthethic Plastic Surgery, over 250,000 women have undergone breast augmentation in 2007, a 147% spike from the figures in 1997.
If you are one of the women who desperately want to have perky and full breasts, you do not have to decide on having breast implants immediately. As with other types of surgical procedures, breast augmentation is not risk-free. Furthermore, there are also a lot of things that you need to consider before you get breast implants. For one, maintaining these saline or silicone breasts can be very hard and time consuming. So, here are some of the things that you need to know about the proper care of breast implants:
Regular Check-ups
Aside from exercise and good eating habits, it is important that a woman who underwent breast enhancement procedure should regularly go to the doctor to have her breasts checked. Saline implants are prone to leaking, which can be bad for your health, so you need to regularly have your boobs checked to see if there is something wrong with them.
Furthermore, there are certain types of exercises and workouts that may not be appropriate for you. So before you do those push ups or perform that complicated yoga move, better check with your surgeon to make sure that your breasts do not move up, down, or out of place.
Beware Of Complications
Aside from leaking of implants, you need to be aware that capsular contracture is one of the most common adverse effects of having breast implants. Since implants are foreign objects, the body sometimes reacts to the situation by encasing the implants on a capsule composed of fibrous tissues. This is actually a natural reaction of the body, much like when a person steps on a piece of glass or is pierced by a rose's thorn.
Although this problem is oftentimes minor and even unnoticeable, a person suffering from capsular contracture can experience a feeling of distortion and extreme pain. However, if this is not immediately fixed, your implants may be permanently moved out of place.
Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer
Experts also believe that there is a link between cancer and breast implants. A number of women who have undergone breast implants may be facing a higher risk of getting breast cancer than other women. This is especially true for those who had breast augmentation in the 80's and early 90's.
There are actually a lot of things you can do to make your breast look fuller and bigger aside from having breast implants. Using a padded bra or massaging with a breast enhancement cream, such as Clevastin, may also help you achieve your goals. For more information about safe and natural breast enhancement, simply visit
About the Author
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine.
Aside from liposuction, one of the most popular cosmetic surgical procedures that women get is breast enhancement. In fact, getting breast implants is becoming more popular and commonplace these days. According to figures from ASAPS, or the American Society for Aesthethic Plastic Surgery, over 250,000 women have undergone breast augmentation in 2007, a 147% spike from the figures in 1997.
If you are one of the women who desperately want to have perky and full breasts, you do not have to decide on having breast implants immediately. As with other types of surgical procedures, breast augmentation is not risk-free. Furthermore, there are also a lot of things that you need to consider before you get breast implants. For one, maintaining these saline or silicone breasts can be very hard and time consuming. So, here are some of the things that you need to know about the proper care of breast implants:
Regular Check-ups
Aside from exercise and good eating habits, it is important that a woman who underwent breast enhancement procedure should regularly go to the doctor to have her breasts checked. Saline implants are prone to leaking, which can be bad for your health, so you need to regularly have your boobs checked to see if there is something wrong with them.
Furthermore, there are certain types of exercises and workouts that may not be appropriate for you. So before you do those push ups or perform that complicated yoga move, better check with your surgeon to make sure that your breasts do not move up, down, or out of place.
Beware Of Complications
Aside from leaking of implants, you need to be aware that capsular contracture is one of the most common adverse effects of having breast implants. Since implants are foreign objects, the body sometimes reacts to the situation by encasing the implants on a capsule composed of fibrous tissues. This is actually a natural reaction of the body, much like when a person steps on a piece of glass or is pierced by a rose's thorn.
Although this problem is oftentimes minor and even unnoticeable, a person suffering from capsular contracture can experience a feeling of distortion and extreme pain. However, if this is not immediately fixed, your implants may be permanently moved out of place.
Increased Risk Of Breast Cancer
Experts also believe that there is a link between cancer and breast implants. A number of women who have undergone breast implants may be facing a higher risk of getting breast cancer than other women. This is especially true for those who had breast augmentation in the 80's and early 90's.
There are actually a lot of things you can do to make your breast look fuller and bigger aside from having breast implants. Using a padded bra or massaging with a breast enhancement cream, such as Clevastin, may also help you achieve your goals. For more information about safe and natural breast enhancement, simply visit
About the Author
Janet Martin is an avid health and fitness enthusiast and published author. Many of her insightful articles can be found at the premier online news magazine.
Get a breast enhancement has become a billion dollar industry
Breast enhancement has become a billion dollar industry. Many women are choosing to get breast enlargement surgery, breast reduction surgery, breast lift surgery, natural breast enhancement, among other things. More and more medical students are going into the cosmetic surgery field because of the potential growth in popularity over the next 10-20 years. Even herbal remedies are popping up all over the market for women who prefer natural breast enhancement.
Herbal breast pills are supposed to gradually enhance breasts for a natural appearance. Many women prefer this option, because there are no risks or scars associated with it, whereas breast implants can look fake and unattractive. Comprehensive research is being done to find herbs that can naturally cause breast enlargement. Certain blends and formulations of herbs have proven to be effective for breast enhancement for many women. These natural remedies may not work for everyone, but herbal breast enlargement is worth a try if you are looking to enhance your breasts. You will find a lot of information on the internet about cosmetic surgeons who specialize in breast enlargement.
Read the information on their websites and educate yourself about breast enhancement procedures and different kinds of implants. Most likely, you will find very useful tips and advice given by actual patients who have had any breast enlargement procedure done. You can look at the photographs and judge for yourself. But, remember, they will only post the best-looking results on the website. It would be best to find a breast enlargement forum or blog where you can find honest answers and results about breast enhancement. If you feel pressured by society or even a loved one to undergo breast enlargement surgery, do not get it done. You need to understand that even cosmetic surgery is very risky. If you are looking into breast enhancement because someone else is making you feel insecure about your body, then surgery is not a logical, reasonable decision.
Most insecurities are deep-rooted and breast enlargement will not make those feelings disappear. Some women see a therapist or counselor before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure to ascertain if she is doing it for the right reasons. Obviously, trying a natural method such as herbal breast pills, is a good choice for women who would like to make minor changes. If you have any abnormality, you should see a doctor about the best options for breast enhancement. A skilled, certified cosmetic surgeon can correct many severe abnormalities. Please gather as much information as you can, and even talk with a therapist if you have overwhelming feelings of insecurity about your body, before making any major decision about breast enhancement.
About the Author
Additional information on Breast Enlargement as well as reviews, tips, exercises and current information on specific breast enhancement companies can be found at develomax; Also included at Top10 are coupons and freebies such as which Breast Enhancement companies are giving free breast pills who sells Breast Enlargement.
Herbal breast pills are supposed to gradually enhance breasts for a natural appearance. Many women prefer this option, because there are no risks or scars associated with it, whereas breast implants can look fake and unattractive. Comprehensive research is being done to find herbs that can naturally cause breast enlargement. Certain blends and formulations of herbs have proven to be effective for breast enhancement for many women. These natural remedies may not work for everyone, but herbal breast enlargement is worth a try if you are looking to enhance your breasts. You will find a lot of information on the internet about cosmetic surgeons who specialize in breast enlargement.
Read the information on their websites and educate yourself about breast enhancement procedures and different kinds of implants. Most likely, you will find very useful tips and advice given by actual patients who have had any breast enlargement procedure done. You can look at the photographs and judge for yourself. But, remember, they will only post the best-looking results on the website. It would be best to find a breast enlargement forum or blog where you can find honest answers and results about breast enhancement. If you feel pressured by society or even a loved one to undergo breast enlargement surgery, do not get it done. You need to understand that even cosmetic surgery is very risky. If you are looking into breast enhancement because someone else is making you feel insecure about your body, then surgery is not a logical, reasonable decision.
Most insecurities are deep-rooted and breast enlargement will not make those feelings disappear. Some women see a therapist or counselor before undergoing any cosmetic surgery procedure to ascertain if she is doing it for the right reasons. Obviously, trying a natural method such as herbal breast pills, is a good choice for women who would like to make minor changes. If you have any abnormality, you should see a doctor about the best options for breast enhancement. A skilled, certified cosmetic surgeon can correct many severe abnormalities. Please gather as much information as you can, and even talk with a therapist if you have overwhelming feelings of insecurity about your body, before making any major decision about breast enhancement.
About the Author
Additional information on Breast Enlargement as well as reviews, tips, exercises and current information on specific breast enhancement companies can be found at develomax; Also included at Top10 are coupons and freebies such as which Breast Enhancement companies are giving free breast pills who sells Breast Enlargement.
Breast Enhancement,
breast enlargement
Get Bigger Breast- Enhance Breasts Size Naturally
Magazines, movies and advertisements gave people an idea that big breasted women are adorable and sexy. Probably this is one of the reasons why women with small breast feel bad about their appearances and they feel unattractive. Breast enhancement surgery is the most common cosmetic surgery performed by cosmetic plastic surgeons now. Although there are success stories about breast surgery, there are women who still prefer to enhance breast size naturally.
Smaller breast makes you feel embarrassed and you do not have the confidence to wear sexy clothes with plunging necklines and swim suit. You are afraid that men and other women will make fun of your flat chest. Maybe you even use padded and push-up bras to make your breast appear larger because you are not open to the idea of breast enhancement surgery and you still want to enhance breast size naturally. While padded and push-up bras could work at some occasions to make your breast look larger, still it is frustrating to know that in reality you still have small size breasts.
Herbal breast enhancement pills are another alternative to enhance breast size naturally. This herbal breast enhancement treatment is gaining popularity now because it is a safer and cheaper alternative to breast enhancement surgery.
Getting your desired breast size will end your embarrassment and will boost your self-esteem. You do not have to wear the same boring clothes again and you do not have to be afraid or embarrassed to wear your swim suit. You will be happier and confident with your body.
Women who are not satisfied with their bust size have another option to enhance breast size naturally to avoid going under the knife and avoid the irreversible side effects of breast surgery. To enhance breast size naturally without the risk of surgery visit Breast Actives.
To enhance breast size visit Breast Enlargement Program.
Smaller breast makes you feel embarrassed and you do not have the confidence to wear sexy clothes with plunging necklines and swim suit. You are afraid that men and other women will make fun of your flat chest. Maybe you even use padded and push-up bras to make your breast appear larger because you are not open to the idea of breast enhancement surgery and you still want to enhance breast size naturally. While padded and push-up bras could work at some occasions to make your breast look larger, still it is frustrating to know that in reality you still have small size breasts.
Herbal breast enhancement pills are another alternative to enhance breast size naturally. This herbal breast enhancement treatment is gaining popularity now because it is a safer and cheaper alternative to breast enhancement surgery.
Getting your desired breast size will end your embarrassment and will boost your self-esteem. You do not have to wear the same boring clothes again and you do not have to be afraid or embarrassed to wear your swim suit. You will be happier and confident with your body.
Women who are not satisfied with their bust size have another option to enhance breast size naturally to avoid going under the knife and avoid the irreversible side effects of breast surgery. To enhance breast size naturally without the risk of surgery visit Breast Actives.
To enhance breast size visit Breast Enlargement Program.
Breast Actives Breast Enhancement Program Explained
Q. I am self conscious regarding my breast's size. Is Breast Actives Breast Enhancement program helpful?
A. It is not bad to be self conscious about your breasts' size. Breast Actives is one of the reputed herbal businesses in the related industry. They have assisted many women with similar conditions. Women, who used their products, have developed a new and high level of self-confidence, their clothes give them a better look, as they fit well, and they also feel more striking.
Q. Will Breast Actives Enhancement program produce too much breast development or growth?
A. This is a question frequently asked by many. Fortunately, the breast enlargement capsules help you develop fuller, larger, and firmer breasts, which are in proportion to your entire body size.
Q. Though, I don't have complains about the size of my breast, my breasts are not as energetic as they used to be as before breastfeeding my children. Can Breast Actives assist in restoring the original shape of my breasts?
A. Yes! Breast Actives can help enhance the shape of your breasts. Lot of women, specially, as they become older, want to sustain the size and shape of their breasts.
Q. Are the ingredients in Breast Actives Breast Enhancement safe?
A. Yes! The natural herbal constituents that constitute the Breast Actives Herbal Capsules for breast enlargement are safer. One should evaluate the complete information provided about the breast improvement herbs. For centuries, both physicians and herbal specialists have used these herbs for promoting health and for treating few medical conditions. One with history of medical conditions or who are taking any prescriptions currently, or even the over the counter medications or any supplements must consult their local physician first, before using any new product as an in-take. One should also caution, in case they have any or all of the following given conditions and/or are taking particular treatments:
* Depression and/or nervousness - Kava should not be taken in with substances causing sleepiness, that is, sedatives, antidepressants, seizure medicines, anxiety medicines, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and so on.
* Pregnant women - Black cohosh should be avoided by pregnant women as this herb has the potential to cause premature labor.
* Breast feeding - Women breast-feed should consult their physician first. However, there is no sufficient clinical data to check if the herbal constituents in breast actives breast enlargement supplements pass through the breast milk to the baby or if the constituents are harmful to the infant.
* Women on estrogen therapy - Wild yam has an active constituent, which can intermingle with disogen that can react with the estrogen treatment, that is estradiol.
* Anticoagulant therapy - Anyone who takes the blood thinners must not consume Don quai, as it has the potential to increase the working of blood thinners. Example: Coumadin.
* Biliary complications - Anyone with any complication or problem with their biliary system must consult their physician before consuming the herb.
More information on Breast Actives Breast Enhancement Program available here.
About the Author
Lindsay Fox writes on Breast Enlargement Topics
A. It is not bad to be self conscious about your breasts' size. Breast Actives is one of the reputed herbal businesses in the related industry. They have assisted many women with similar conditions. Women, who used their products, have developed a new and high level of self-confidence, their clothes give them a better look, as they fit well, and they also feel more striking.
Q. Will Breast Actives Enhancement program produce too much breast development or growth?
A. This is a question frequently asked by many. Fortunately, the breast enlargement capsules help you develop fuller, larger, and firmer breasts, which are in proportion to your entire body size.
Q. Though, I don't have complains about the size of my breast, my breasts are not as energetic as they used to be as before breastfeeding my children. Can Breast Actives assist in restoring the original shape of my breasts?
A. Yes! Breast Actives can help enhance the shape of your breasts. Lot of women, specially, as they become older, want to sustain the size and shape of their breasts.
Q. Are the ingredients in Breast Actives Breast Enhancement safe?
A. Yes! The natural herbal constituents that constitute the Breast Actives Herbal Capsules for breast enlargement are safer. One should evaluate the complete information provided about the breast improvement herbs. For centuries, both physicians and herbal specialists have used these herbs for promoting health and for treating few medical conditions. One with history of medical conditions or who are taking any prescriptions currently, or even the over the counter medications or any supplements must consult their local physician first, before using any new product as an in-take. One should also caution, in case they have any or all of the following given conditions and/or are taking particular treatments:
* Depression and/or nervousness - Kava should not be taken in with substances causing sleepiness, that is, sedatives, antidepressants, seizure medicines, anxiety medicines, pain relievers, muscle relaxants, and so on.
* Pregnant women - Black cohosh should be avoided by pregnant women as this herb has the potential to cause premature labor.
* Breast feeding - Women breast-feed should consult their physician first. However, there is no sufficient clinical data to check if the herbal constituents in breast actives breast enlargement supplements pass through the breast milk to the baby or if the constituents are harmful to the infant.
* Women on estrogen therapy - Wild yam has an active constituent, which can intermingle with disogen that can react with the estrogen treatment, that is estradiol.
* Anticoagulant therapy - Anyone who takes the blood thinners must not consume Don quai, as it has the potential to increase the working of blood thinners. Example: Coumadin.
* Biliary complications - Anyone with any complication or problem with their biliary system must consult their physician before consuming the herb.
More information on Breast Actives Breast Enhancement Program available here.
About the Author
Lindsay Fox writes on Breast Enlargement Topics
Pueraria Mirifica in Breast Actives Cream - Clinical Studies
The major ingredient in the breast Actives cream which is part of the Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus system is Pueraria Minifica. Pueraria Mirifica (also known as White Kwao Kreu) is a herb native to Thailand. It grows naturally in forests in North and West Thailand at altitudes of 300 to 800 meters above sea level.
The tuberous root of Pueraria Mirifica is a rich source of phytoestrogens (estrogen-like compounds from plant sources). The concentration of phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than other plant sources such as soy or alfalfa. Phytoestrogens are the key to the breast enhancement effects of Breast Actives by Breast Gain Plus.
The rhizome extract of Pueraria Mirifica contains phytoestrogen groups comprising isoflavones (daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein and puerarin) and others such as miroestrol and its derivatives, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, puerarin, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin, mirificin, b-sitosterol, alkane alcohol, fat, and sugar. The phytoestrogens such as miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, found in Peuraria Mirifica, are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones, and are currently under investigation for possible use in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.
Isoflavones are known to promote firmer, enhanced and uplifted breasts; alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve skin tone. Most women have achieved noticeable breast growth and firmness within months of using products containing high quality forms of Isoflavones.
The first acknowledged human study of herbal breast enhancement was done in 1999 by Professors Kuramoshi (Japanese)and Yuthana (Thai). They tested [certified] Peuraria Mirifica species on 50 Japanese women, between 20 and 49 years old, with daily does of 100 mg to 600 mgs / day. Overall, more than 70% in each group demonstrated breast enlargement and/or firming.
Tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria Mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. The formulation of Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus is based on such research findings.
In the East, the belief in the miraculous rejuvenating properties of Pueraria Mirifica has been passed down from one generation to another for centuries.
Other than the enhancement of breasts, recent studies indicate that Pueraria Mirifica is likely to help prevent breast cancer. A series of studies involving breast cell lines and the activity of Pueraria Mirifica in vitro have been performed by the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand. These studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica root extract (Smith Naturals Co Ltd., Bangkok) has potent anti-estrogenic properties against aggressive cell cancer lines in vitro, especially the proliferative estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer lines (T47-D, MCF-7, and ZR-75-1) obtained from the MD Anderson Cancer Institute (Texas) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Pueraria mirifica promotes fibroblasts in normal breast cells and inhibits estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells.
Pueraria Mirifica is a major ingredient in the cream used in the breast enlargement and enhancement system of Breast Actives.
The tuberous root of Pueraria Mirifica is a rich source of phytoestrogens (estrogen-like compounds from plant sources). The concentration of phytoestrogens in Pueraria Mirifica is much higher than other plant sources such as soy or alfalfa. Phytoestrogens are the key to the breast enhancement effects of Breast Actives by Breast Gain Plus.
The rhizome extract of Pueraria Mirifica contains phytoestrogen groups comprising isoflavones (daidzin, daidzein, genistin, genistein and puerarin) and others such as miroestrol and its derivatives, beta-sitosterol, stigmasterol, coumestrol, puerarin, mirificoumestan, kwakhurin, mirificin, b-sitosterol, alkane alcohol, fat, and sugar. The phytoestrogens such as miroestrol and deoxymiroestrol, found in Peuraria Mirifica, are much stronger than soy or red clover isoflavones, and are currently under investigation for possible use in hormone replacement therapy for menopausal women.
Isoflavones are known to promote firmer, enhanced and uplifted breasts; alleviate menopausal symptoms and improve skin tone. Most women have achieved noticeable breast growth and firmness within months of using products containing high quality forms of Isoflavones.
The first acknowledged human study of herbal breast enhancement was done in 1999 by Professors Kuramoshi (Japanese)and Yuthana (Thai). They tested [certified] Peuraria Mirifica species on 50 Japanese women, between 20 and 49 years old, with daily does of 100 mg to 600 mgs / day. Overall, more than 70% in each group demonstrated breast enlargement and/or firming.
Tests carried out by Thailand's Chulalongkorn University found Pueraria Mirifica therapy was able to enhance breast size by up to 80%. Further tests carried out in England found that the plant has a beneficial effect on the skin, and hair, as well as the breasts. The formulation of Breast Actives By Breast Gain Plus is based on such research findings.
In the East, the belief in the miraculous rejuvenating properties of Pueraria Mirifica has been passed down from one generation to another for centuries.
Other than the enhancement of breasts, recent studies indicate that Pueraria Mirifica is likely to help prevent breast cancer. A series of studies involving breast cell lines and the activity of Pueraria Mirifica in vitro have been performed by the Emory University School of Medicine in Atlanta, Georgia, USA, and the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Phramongkutklao College of Medicine, Bangkok, Thailand. These studies have shown that Pueraria Mirifica root extract (Smith Naturals Co Ltd., Bangkok) has potent anti-estrogenic properties against aggressive cell cancer lines in vitro, especially the proliferative estrogen receptor-positive (ER+) breast cancer lines (T47-D, MCF-7, and ZR-75-1) obtained from the MD Anderson Cancer Institute (Texas) and the National Cancer Institute (NCI) at the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). Pueraria mirifica promotes fibroblasts in normal breast cells and inhibits estrogen-dependent breast cancer cells.
Pueraria Mirifica is a major ingredient in the cream used in the breast enlargement and enhancement system of Breast Actives.
Female Infertility Factors
If you have had difficulty conceiving for more than twelve months, or six months if your over 35 years of age, you may be wondering if your infertile. Researchers estimate that one in six couples face fertility challenges as a result of male or female health complications. There are multitudes of factors that can affect your chances of conception. Here we will briefly outline three major causes of infertility in women: endometriosis, fallopian tube damage or blockage, and ovulation disorders.
Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue shed during a woman period implants outside of the uterus. The implanted tissue responds to the hormonal cycle and continues to grow, shed, and bleed in sync with the lining of the uterus each month. This can lead to inflammation and eventually scarring which adversely affects functions of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Pelvic pain and infertility are common in women with endometriosis. Upon examination, no less than 40% of infertile women of reproductive age are found to have past or present endometriosis. Laparoscopic surgery to remove abnormal tissue is a commonly used treatment option for this condition.
Fallopian tube damage usually results from inflammation of the fallopian tube causes. This blocks the passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes on its way to implant in the uterus. Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, is the most frequent cause. Tubal inflammation can cause pain and fever, or may go unnoticed. Tubal damage is the major risk factor for ectopic pregnancy. Here a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes. One episode of tubal infection may cause fertility difficulties. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases with each occurrence of tubal infection.
Some cases of female infertility are caused by ovulation disorders. Disruption in the part of the brain that regulates ovulation can cause low levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Even slight irregularities in the hormone system can affect ovulation. Specific causes of hypothalamic-pituitary disorders include injury, tumors, excessive exercise and starvation. Ovulation-stimulating drugs, follicle-stimulating hormones, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), and in vitro fertilisation are possible treatments for this condition.
If you are one of the many couples experiencing problems with conception talk to your general practitioner. Most of these problems can be resolved with medical treatment or lifestyle adjustments. Your doctor will be able to diagnose any conditions present and give you treatment options, or refer you to a specialist.
About the Author
Eric Daiter has been sponsored by The NJ Center for Reproductive Medicine, a leading provider of infertility treatment, to write information about endometriosis symptoms.
Endometriosis occurs when uterine tissue shed during a woman period implants outside of the uterus. The implanted tissue responds to the hormonal cycle and continues to grow, shed, and bleed in sync with the lining of the uterus each month. This can lead to inflammation and eventually scarring which adversely affects functions of the ovaries, uterus, and fallopian tubes. Pelvic pain and infertility are common in women with endometriosis. Upon examination, no less than 40% of infertile women of reproductive age are found to have past or present endometriosis. Laparoscopic surgery to remove abnormal tissue is a commonly used treatment option for this condition.
Fallopian tube damage usually results from inflammation of the fallopian tube causes. This blocks the passage of the egg through the fallopian tubes on its way to implant in the uterus. Chlamydia, a sexually transmitted disease, is the most frequent cause. Tubal inflammation can cause pain and fever, or may go unnoticed. Tubal damage is the major risk factor for ectopic pregnancy. Here a fertilized egg implants in the fallopian tubes. One episode of tubal infection may cause fertility difficulties. The risk of ectopic pregnancy increases with each occurrence of tubal infection.
Some cases of female infertility are caused by ovulation disorders. Disruption in the part of the brain that regulates ovulation can cause low levels of luteinizing hormone and follicle-stimulating hormone. Even slight irregularities in the hormone system can affect ovulation. Specific causes of hypothalamic-pituitary disorders include injury, tumors, excessive exercise and starvation. Ovulation-stimulating drugs, follicle-stimulating hormones, human chorionic gonadotrophin (HCG), and in vitro fertilisation are possible treatments for this condition.
If you are one of the many couples experiencing problems with conception talk to your general practitioner. Most of these problems can be resolved with medical treatment or lifestyle adjustments. Your doctor will be able to diagnose any conditions present and give you treatment options, or refer you to a specialist.
About the Author
Eric Daiter has been sponsored by The NJ Center for Reproductive Medicine, a leading provider of infertility treatment, to write information about endometriosis symptoms.
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