
The Many Causes Of Early Menopause

Early menopause can be caused by a number of factors. It is important to know the causes so an early menopause treatment may be given. Because early menopause has several causes, the treatment given is also different from one another. The causes of early menopause may be known through the diagnosis of the physician. The right assessment and diagnostic procedures are the only way to know the root cause of the early menopausal problem.

Surgical Causes Of Early Menopause

There are two surgical causes of menopause. The first and the most common one is Oophorectomy and Total Hysterectomy while the other one is secondary ovarian damage due to other performed surgical procedures. Because the ovaries are removed or are damaged permanently, the levels of your hormones would suddenly drop in levels and would cause severity in the symptoms of menopause.

Hormonal Causes Of Early Menopause

At times, the hormones themselves become the causes of early menopause. Due to unknown factors, the hormone levels causes irregularity in menses which can cause total cessation of the monthly period. The doctor would most likely suggest the use of hormonal stabilizers so the woman may experience the flow of menses again. The hormonal drugs can substitute for the lost hormones by the ovary. As long as you take these medications, your menses may be able to get back to its normal cycle again.

Chemical Causes Of Early Menopause

When a woman has cancer and she needs to be treated with chemotherapeutic drugs, there can be higher chances that her ovaries will get damaged. Because of this damage, a permanent cessation in the menses may take place. The least that a doctor can do would be to provide the right hormonal replacements for the woman. As much as possible, chemotherapy is to be avoided so further organ damage can be rid of.

Familial Causes Of Early Menopause

Genetic causes of early menopause may be possible. If your mother or other siblings have the menopausal problems, then you can only expect yourself to have the same bodily problems. Because the cause is rooted to the genes, it would be impossible to rid of the problem. Again, hormonal replacements are to be given so the problem can be easily alleviated.

Other Causes Of Early Menopause

Other causes of early menopause would include several disorders that can affect the release of reproductive hormones. Thyroid problems, pituitary disorders, and polycystic ovaries are only some of the causes of the early cessation of menses. If these problems are medically addressed, there could be a big possibility that your early menopausal problems can be treated.

About the Author
Britney Smith is an Internet Marketer that writes articles on various resources. She shares tips on natural menopause relief secrets and invites you to her lens to Learn about natural menopause relief secrets.

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