
The Key to Optimal Women's Health

New research, fad diets and other advice from friends and relatives can often lead to confusion on what constitutes a healthy diet. It is difficult to determine what to eat and what to avoid. However, there are essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids and other nutrients that are imperative for good health.

Omega -3 Fatty Acids - Studies have shown that omega-3 essential fatty acids can help ward off cardiac conditions and help alleviate symptoms from inflammatory diseases such as arthritis. Western diets are very low in omega-3 fatty acids, so it is really important to add a supplement to your lifestyle. A highly potent form of omega-3s can be found in supplements derived from the New Zealand green-lipped mussel (Perna canaliculus).

Calcium - This mineral is imperative to bone health and preventing osteoporosis. Of course you can get calcium by eating dairy products, but rich leafy greens and calcium fortified foods are other great tasting options.
Vitamin D - Although this vitamin can be consumed through fortified products or supplements, you can easily get enough of this vitamin by spending a little bit of time in the sun each day! Not only will you get a breath of fresh air, but you will also be giving your body an essential vitamin that promotes calcium absorption in the gut and is good for immune function.

Folic Acid - Pregnant women need folic acid to help prevent birth defects, but it may also prevent cancer and heart disease. Avocadoes are a good source of folic acid, but you can also add this into your diet with leafy greens and sunflower seeds.

Fiber - Whole grains and fruit will offer the fiber you need to help your digestive tract and may even promote healthy weight loss!

Blake Sabatinelli is a consultant with http://www.omegaxl.com

About Women Health Supplements

Question: I want to get my health back on track. What kind of nutrients would you recommend I should look into in the area of women health supplements?

Answer: Great question! There are plenty of supplements out there that can be of great aid to women’s health. One problem that plagues women, especially later in life, can be the dreaded osteoperosis. Since your body needs a steady supply of calcium, if you do not meet your body’s calcium requirements, it will begin to sap the calcium from your body’s teeth and bones, leaving them brittle and weak.

To prevent this, a calcium supplement can be of great aid. Coral calcium is one product on the market that can help prevent this ailment. Harvested from long-dead sea beds, the calcium found in coral sediments can help to pave the way for clear health.

Antioxidants are also key parts in maintaining the health of both males and females. Helping to stop the damaging effects of free-radicals (highly reactive chemicals that capture electrons and modify chemical structures), antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin A, and Vitamin E may reduce the risk of cancer and muscular degeneration. Iron is also a key element that needs to be regularly consumed to help maintain the female body.

The body needs this mineral to produce red blood cells, and an iron shortage can result in anemia, a condition marked by a lack of red blood cells. Many of these simple minerals can help maintain your body’s structure and help lead you to great health. Some supplements even offer combined compounds that help to meet your daily requirements in a few of these categories.

I hope this article has helped you to learn more about your body and the things it needs to be working in its fittest form. Best of luck on your quest for nutrition!

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How Does Menopause Effect Women's Health

After a woman reaches menopause she is vulnerable to a range of long-term health risks due to the loss of estrogen. Effects of menopause on a menopausal woman's health are discussed below.

Effect on mental health: Estrogen shows certain properties that protect against memory loss and helps in mental functioning as a woman ages. Estrogen may affect the brain as follows:

• Estrogen helps in growth of nerve pathways in memory portion of brain.

• Estrogen helps in reducing the risk of Alzheimer disease by stimulating production of neurotransmitters, eliminates free oxygen radicals that play a role in Alzheimer and blocks production of beta-amyloid which is also associated with Alzheimer.

• Estrogen also opens the blood vessels which lead to better flow of blood to the brain.

Effect on Bone Density: Osteoporosis is a disease in which bones become fragile as they lose density and after menopause resorption (break-down of bones) gets faster. This may increase a woman's chance of getting osteoporosis. Estrogen is believed to have an impact in two following ways:

• Estrogens are believed to control the life of osteoclasts which are responsible for resorption.

• Estrogens also maintain levels of vitamin D which is an important nutrient for bone protection.

Effect on Heart: Menopausal women face a higher risk of heart diseases. This is blamed at the fall in estrogen levels which help in:

• Maintaining cholesterol levels.

• Smoothing and opening of blood vessels which help in normal flow of blood and reducing pressure.

• Reducing oxygen free radicals which can damage arteries.

Urinary Tract Effects: After menopause women are at an increased risk of getting urinary tract infections due to fall in estrogen levels. Estrogen helps in resisting the infection by increasing the number of microorganisms that fight the bacteria trying to adhere to vaginal cells.

Other Effects: Sleep disorders, gum disorders and tooth loss, eye disorders, wrinkles and incontinence are other health effects that are caused by fall in estrogen levels brought about by menopause. Estrogens prevent eye disorders such as cataract, glaucoma and macular degeneration. They also prevent against stress. Research shows that fall in estrogens make it more likely for a woman to have gum disorder and tooth loss. Further, estrogens also prevent slackness in the skin caused by excessive fat.

Menopause is a natural transition which, if not properly dealt with, may lead to some long-term health detriments.

National Women's Health Week - Simple Steps to Improve the Quality of Your Health

On May 10, 2009, the whole nation will kick off the week long celebration and observance of women's health - the National Women's Health Week. This week will be all about women and how they can all take simple steps in order to improve their lives: healthier, happier, and longer. The US Department of Health and Human Services' Office on Women's Health makes it their thrust to encourage women to prioritize their health, above anything else.

Various activities and contests will be launched and set up to get women involved and excited about this week long event. Some of the activities include the National Women's Check-Up Day which will be launched on May 11, and the eight-week Women Challenge, which is an online physical activity program that begins on May 10. Various other organizations will participate as well, to get women educated and involved in the move towards a healthier life.

Simple Steps to Improve Health

Simple steps are being promoted and encouraged among women in order to bring about significant changes in their health and lifestyle. Some of these include:

Getting at least 2 hours of moderate physical activity, or an hour of intense physical activity.
Eating a healthier, more nutritious diet.
Getting regular check ups and screenings.
Discarding or avoiding risky, unhealthy habits such as smoking, excessive drinking, and not wearing a seat belt.
Giving importance to mental health; this is addressed by getting enough sleep and managing stress.

By effecting some simple changes in your lifestyle, you'll be able to drastically improve the quality of your living and more importantly, your health. This is the change the National Women's Health Week is striving to increase awareness of.

Registering Your Organization

Many organizations have signed up and have become a part of the participation with the National Women's Health Week. Organizations may register online and post their events and proclamations for this week long celebration. Not only does this give a chance for organizations to promote their activities, it also provides a feedback form for attendees to answer and evaluate the event hosted. For more information, log on to (http://www.womenshealth.gov).

Provision of Health Resources

The National Women's Health Week is also a good resource for information related to health. Their website provides general links and resources to some of the most common health concerns such as cancer, menopause, HIVs, and STIs. Log on to their website for quick and easy access to their information.

All in all, the National Women's Health Week is an effort towards awareness, education, and improvement of women's health. In the world today, women are at terrible risk for all sorts of diseases and health problems, and it's about time to combat this.

One of the best ways to stay healthy and live longer is to eat good nutritious foods. For more advice about which foods you should and should not be eating to start feeling healthier and enjoying life more, sign up for our FREE "Eating Right For A Healthier Life" eCourse today. Visit http://www.finallygethealthy.com/healthyeating/free-course.html to sign up.

Top Ten Health Tips For Women

As you may have noticed, there are lots of things that you need to consider when trying to stay fit and healthy. More often than not this mass of information becomes overwhelming and most people start off with good intentions but give up in the long run, slipping back to old ways and habits. To help you maintain that healthy lifestyle, below are the top ten things you should be doing to keep yourself healthy and happy.

1) When trying to keep to a healthy lifestyle, the first thing you need to consider is your diet. A good balanced diet is essential in maintaining a healthy body. Remember, 'rubbish in = rubbish out'. Eating junk food, fatty food and other convenience foods will result in a feeling of lethargy, tiredness, depression and bad complexion just to name a few. Simple changes to make would be avoiding too much red meat, high fat foods and high calorie foods instead substituting this with high fibre low fat food, mixed with a regular intake of fruit and vegetables. Fibre is great for digestion whilst fruit and vegetables will help keep vitamin and mineral levels up.

2) Make sure you drink plenty of water throughout the day. One of the risks of not drinking enough water is the onset of kidney stones. If you know anybody who has had kidney stones, you'll know this is to be avoided! Drinking plenty of water will keep you hydrated which in the long run will help you cleanse your body of impurities. You will start to feel more alert and less tired, you may notice your skin improves with a new radiance. If you are lactating, it is vital that you keep well hydrated to ensure your milk is at its best. Most research suggests that eight glasses of water per day is a minimum.

3) Consider taking vitamin and mineral supplements, especially at the beginning of your new healthy schedule. Some of the more important ones specific to women are Calcium and Iron. Calcium is essential for women of all ages but especially menopausal women to ensure good bone strength and minimise problems from onset of Osteoporosis. Iron supplements are especially important for menstruating women and women who suffer heavier blood loss during that time of the month. Vitamin E400 is worth taking as this has been shown to reduce flushes and sweating at night. For the skin, consider Vitamin E as as a dietary supplement.

4) If you smoke, GIVE UP!! Yes, I know that is much easier said than done but any reduction in the amount that you smoke will be beneficial. If you find the idea of giving up a step too far why not try cutting down? A great way to cut down is to try and extend the time between your cigarettes. If you can maintain this, you will gradually start to smoke less without feeling the withdrawals as much. If you are pregnant, then smoking is a big 'NO-No'. The toxins in a cigarette can cross from the mothers bloodstream and into the baby. Also your chance of breast cancer is much higher if you are a smoker. Overall reducing alcohol and smoking less are great ways to a healthier happier life.

5) Try and introduce a regular exercise into your daily routine. There are simple ways to get exercise without really trying. You could try walking home from work if it's not too far, don't take the elevator all the time - try using the stairs. When your kids are outside playing, take a few minutes to go and play with them. Not only will you be getting fit but you'll be spending more time with your children. Everyone wins! Yoga is also a great way to stay toned and supple. This can be done in the home with a minimal investment in equipment. There is lots of free info. on the internet related to yoga. A simple cheap way to stay healthy.

6) Try and avoid sources of stress. Stressful situations whether at home or at work can leave you with excess amounts of adrenaline and other 'fight or flight' by-products. These can affect heart muscle, upset sleep patterns causing insomnia and much more. Exercise can help to burn off some of these stress by-products but any high stress situations should be avoided.

7) A lot of women are a sucker for a good suntan but there are hidden dangers. Recent research has indicated that over exposure to sunlight and sun tanning beds could increase your chances of skin cancer by up to 30%. A lot of the damage is done in younger life and may not show for years. Simple ways to avoid danger would be to use high factor sun creams, don't lie out in direct sunlight, consider using a tanning cream and avoid those nasty UV rays altogether.

8) Make sure you attend regular smear tests and ensure you visit your Gynaecologist on a regular basis. A lot of 'womens' problems' can be detected in the early stages and treated accordingly. Cervical cancer, chlamydia and Warts are just a few of them. Avoiding your Gynaecologist is akin to playing Russian roulette!!

9) Make sure you practice safe sex. STD's can be easily transmitted and even a long term partner could be harbouring some unknown stowaways. Sexually transmitted diseases can lie dormant for years. Until you are 100% sure you and you're partner are free from STD's practicing safe sex is the best way to stay healthy.

10) An often overlooked area of personal health is dental hygiene. Not looking after your oral hygiene may result in gum disease, tooth loss, halitosis to name but a few. Keep regular appointments with your dental hygienist and make sure you floss regularly to keep a beautiful bright smile.

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